Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Development of drainage types and structures for soil desalination and further salinization prevention in order to use return waters

Project site

Republic of Tadjikistan, Leninabad province, Isfara rayon


70.03.17; 70.03.21

Rubric (SIC ICWC);

Project duration


Project manager

D.I. Davlyatov, Scientific Production Association “TadjikNIIGiM”

Shamsi str., 5/1, Frunzensky district, Dushanbe, Republic of Tadjikistan


The research deals with the salinity control and the soil and water productivity increase through improved drainability and leaching. The objective is to justify measures on the improvement of water use and management by soil water-salt regime under conditions of fresh river water shortage, to develop and justify drainage types and structures in order to use return waters in irrigation.Environment conditions of the pilot plot are typical for the most part of Isfara-Lyakkan valley, which  is an inter-mountainous hollow. The plot is located in a zone of salt accumulation, in the middle right-bank part of Isfara river. Relief is smooth. The climate is sharply continental. Lithology: loam and sandy loam in upper layer with clay interlayers; thickness is 0,5-3,7 m. Soils are medium and high saline. Ground waters are bedded at a depth of 1-2 m. Weighted average salinity of ground waters is 1,2-5,0 g/l. Area of the plot is 20 ha.Subsurface horizontal drainage is constructed on the plot. Drain spacing is 120 m, while drain depth is 2,2-2,4 m.

The research resulted in the development of a set of technical reclamation measures and the recommendations on the improvement of the reclamation state of Isfara-Lyakkan valley.

Key words

Soil salinization, groundwater, return water, salt balance, infiltration, drainage
