Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Furrow irrigation technique on pebble lands by means of surface and underground pipelines under complex relief and high slopes

Project site

Republic of Uzbekistan, Namangan province, Sverdlov farm, Turakurgan pumping station


70.21.35; 70.21.37

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Bakhodyr Kambarov, SPA SANIIRI

Karasu 4/11, Tashkent, 700187, Republic of Uzbekistan


The objective of the research was to increase the pebble lands fertility and the irrigation water use efficiency, to reduce unproductive water losses, to combat soil erosion and to improve the environmental state of irrigated lands.Climate of the area is sharply continental. The plot is located within foothills. Water table is 10 - 25 m and increases under irrigation.Soils are comprised by light sierozem on pebbles. Net irrigated area is 500 ha, while land use efficiency is 0,86.

Water supply to the height of 95 m is performed by two pumps through the main pipeline with length of 4,6 km, to which 20 distribution pipes are connected and then irrigation tubes with 70 mm in diameter and 6 - 10 mm holes.

Research results:- identified features of furrow irrigation under complex relief and high slopes for optimal cotton irrigation;- improved technique and technology of furrow irrigation and optimisation of irrigation technique's components;- developed basic elements of irrigation network for specific conditions of such foothills area;

- improved technique of cotton cultivation.

Key words

Soil erosion, irrigation technique, furrow irrigation, irrigation regime


Author(s): Bakhodyr Kambarov Title: Crop irrigation technique. Tashkent, "Uzbekistan", 1980

Publication details: Methods and ways of furrow irrigation improvement on foothills and adyry of Uzbekistan