Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Assessment of drip irrigation efficiency on high permeable stony soils to produce cultivating crops as well as drip irrigation system (DIS) capacity determination. Pilot plot in "Yosh Leninchi" collective farm in Fergana obl.

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana oblast, Fergana rayon, "Yosh Leninchi" c/f


70.21.15; 70.21.37

Rubric (SIC ICWC)

01.30.02; 01.30.03

Project duration


Project manager

Abbas Usmanov, SPA SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Studies are dedicated to following issues:

-        establishing optimal regimes of high frequency watering under agricultural crops drip irrigation on fine-grained deposit of low thickness;-        comparison of agricultural crops water consumption coefficients on the background of surface and drip irrigation;-        establishing drip irrigation technical-economic indicators on base of existing ground water wells use;-        agrarian-economic assessment of drip irrigation comparing to furrow irrigation;

Climate is continental. EPP area - 5 ha. Irrigation network - domestic drip irrigation system (plastic hoses with droppers "Vario-drip", set in intervals 0.9 m)Irrigation source - water well with capacity 45 l/sec. Control site - furrow irrigation.Operation for 4 years (1993-1996) of EPP existing well "for irrigation" to supply with ground water DIS proved its true reliability, because range of DIS functioning issues was solved:

1.      Irrigation water production;2.      Irrigation water transport to irrigated field;3.      Irrigation water clarification;4.      Creation of necessary water head for DIS capacity.

In Fergana valley about 35-40 th. ha adyr lands can be irrigated due to available SPO and CDS.

Key words

Drip irrigation system; construction; ground waters; irrigation regime


Authors-Mukhamedjanov,Sh.,Usmanov A.Title - "Drip irrigation system operation on soils of low thickness for cotton crop production""Drip irrigation" SANIIRI Collection of reports, Tashkent, 1995.

This article gives field studies results on cotton crop drip irrigation method carried out on EPP. During these studies assessment of constructive system data is carried out. Basic parameters of irrigation system is established by drip irrigation system.