Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study of saline drainage water use efficiency in  its formation zones

Project location

The Rpublic of Uzbekistan, Fergana oblast, Buvaidin rayon, XX partsyezd' collective farm



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Murat Yakubov, Institute of Water Problems of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan, 700143, Tashkent, Khodjayev str., 25a


Studies are directed to assessment of saline drainage water use possibility and efficiency in its formation zones to reduce return flow disposal. Experiments are carried out on soil water-salt regimes management under saline water use for irrigation and leaching as well as water flow quality.Climate is continental. EPP net area - 94 ha. Irrigation network - concrete flumes. Drainage network - open horizontal. Specific length - 45 m/ha. Drains depth - 2.5-3.0 m, collectors - 4.0 m.During period of experiments keeping irrigation leaching regime annually and in a long-term period gradual soil desalinization has been achieved. Ground water salinity decreased from 15 to 5 g/l. Drainage water salinity decreased from 8-10 to 4.4.5 g/l. Under established irrigation regimes along with improvement of farming culture and lands reclamation state cotton crop yield capacity increased from 0.7-0.8 t/ha (1977) to 2.8-3.0 t/ha (1986).

Proposals are developed on scientific base on reclamation regimes' optimization and irrigated lands productivity increase under saline water use for irrigation.

Key words

Irrigation regime; water-salt balance; drainage flow; saline water


Author - Yakubov M.A.Title - "Formation of soil water-salt regime in growing period under saline water use for irrigation"

This article describes results of field studies of soil water-salt and nutrient regimes, growth and development of agricultural crops, water-salt balances of aeration zone, ground water, and pilot plot as a whole. It shows drainage flow salinity variation and qualitative composition.