Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Study and development of irrigation and nutrients application under grain-cereals

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Fergana oblast, Akhunbabayev rayon, Niyazov's collective farm


70.03.15; 70.03.11

Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Khabibullo Umarov, SPA SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Studies are dedicated to an issue of different norms impact of nitric fertilizers applied under cereals to increase their crop yield capacity, to establish optimal irrigation depths and norms improving water use and creating favorable conditions for assimilation of nutrients applied into soil under cereals to increase crop yield capacity.

Natural-economic conditions of the plot are typical for area of Central Fergana. Soils are weakly and medium saline. Experimental production plot net area - 153 ha. Irrigation network - concrete flumes, efficiency - 0.95-0.96.

Drainage is closed horizontal. Specific length - 40 m/ha. Space between drains -280 m. Drain depth - 2.7-3.0 m.

Studies show that on weakly and medium saline lands of Central Fergana under ground water table 1.5-2.0 m and more cereals sowing should be carried out in September-October.

In case of inter-crop sowing over erect cotton crop it is expedient both before sowing and simultaneously with it to carry out inter-crop cultivation that creates porous soil layer.

To obtain full-fledged shootings after sowing it is recommended to carry out recharges with irrigation depth 1200-1400 m3/ha. Such water quantity completely moistens soil and simultaneously is sufficient for weakly saline lands leaching. If during non-growing period ground water table is at level 1.5-2.0 m, 2-3 recharges with irrigation depth 2400-3800 m3/ha will be enough.

Given nutrients lack in lands norm of nitrogen and phosphor application norm plays important role in obtaining high cereals crop yield in Central Fergana under even irrigation depth 2790 m3/ha.

Key words

Irrigation regime; irrigation norm; mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphor); cereals; wheat


Author - Umarov Kh.

Title - "Impact of different water norms and mineral fertilizers application norms on wheat crop yield capacity increase"

Final report about NIR for 1995-1997, SANIIRI technical file, 1997.

The report shows cereals crops yield capacity variation depending on mineral fertilizers norm and growing period watering norms.