Knowledge Base

Project title:

Study of saline drainage water use efficiency on the place of its origin

Project location:

Country: Republic of Uzbekistan

Area: 102 ha

Locality: Fergana province, Buvaida district, collective farm "XXII Partsyezd"

Duration of the project:

Year in which the project was started: 1978

Project completed: 1986

Dates of Expertise: 1986

Organizations and technical staff involved:

Supervisor/project coordinator: Yakubov Murat

Organization: IVP AN RUz

Address: 24, Yakub Kolas str., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Other counterparts: Nurtayev Bakhrom, IVP AN RUz

Funding agencies:

Ministry for Land Reclamation and Water Management (100 %)

Summary of research project:

Objective and technical fields:

Establishment of possibility and efficiency of drainage saline water use on the places of its formation to cut down drainage outflow. Soil water-salt regime and drainage effluent quality management under saline water utilisation for irrigation and leaching.

Scientific and technical approach:

Development of irrigation regime, soil water-salt regime based on field experiments. Main meaning of experiment is drainage outflow quantity and quality management and irrigated land productivity increase.

Environment characteristics:

Climate is sharply continental. Average annual air temperature is 13-15.6 oC, in July - 27 oC. Annual precipitation is 76-133 mm. Aridity coefficient is 17-32. Evaporativity is 1000-1180 mm. Relative air humidity is 55-65 %.

Relief: slightly corrugated plain.

Lithology: - loam, clay, sandy loam with thickness 20 m. Cover sediments' thickness is 10-15 m. Permeability coefficient is 0.9 m/day. Aquifer thickness is 5-15 m. Permeability coefficient is 3-5 m/day.

Separating layer thickness is 12-25 m, its permeability coefficient is 0.01-0.20 m/day.

Drainability is low under natural conditions. Groundwater level is 1.0-2.5 m, water salinity is 5-50 g/l. Water chemical composition is chloride-sulfate. Drainage water salinity at the beginning of its operation was 5-10 g/l.

Parameters of Pilot Projects and Technical Solutions:

Pilot site area is 102 ha (94 ha net). Cultivated crops: cotton - 54-69 %; corn - 7-15 %; vegetables and melons - 5-13 %. Irrigation network - concrete flumes with efficiency 0.96-0.98. Technical state is satisfactory. Drainage network - open horizontal drains. Drain's density is 45 m/ha, depth is 2.5-3.0 m; depth of collectors is 4.0 m.


Field observations on water and salts movement and unsaturated zone's water-salt balance elements measurement. Study of soil water-salt regime formation and drainage effluent quality. Pilot plot was equipped by water-meters. Multicriterial analysis and forecast calculations were used to process data obtained.


During growing period there were 5-6 irrigations by norm 660-2000 cu.m/ha. Autumn-winter leaching irrigations had norm 2000-3400 cu.m/ha. Annual water supply was 7650-11500 cu.m/ha. Moisture before irrigations was supported at the level of 0.7-0.8 FFMC. Water-salt balance desalimizating flow within unsaturated zone was 2500 cu.m/ha. Salt removal varied from 5 to 20 t/ha. Irrigation leaching regime within the annual EB: EET was 1.1-1.35. Total evaporation was 890-910 mm. Drainage outflow was 4000-6100 cu.m/ha. Average annual drainage modulus was 0.09-0.21 l/sec/ha. During July-August drainage modulus increased to 0.4-0.5 l/sec/ha; the same picture could be observed in January after leaching.

Drainage effluent salinity was 2.0-4.4 g/l. Within the control site its salinity was 0.5-0.9 g/l. The pilot site is located in the tail part of irrigated scheme and drainage water is used for irrigation. Within the pilot site common and partial water-salt balances were negative and have desalinizating type.

Gradual soil desalinization is achieved during the experiments from 1.5 to 0.6-0.8 % for sum of salts. Salt stock within 3 m-layer decreased from 680 to 400 t/ha for a solid residue.

The more intensive harmful salts (NaCl, NaSO4, MgSO4) and non-toxic salts (CaSO4) ratio increased. Groundwater salinity decreased from 8-10 to 4-4.5 g/l.

Soil water-physical properties did not change, they only slightly varied.

Nutrient elements were accumulated. Soil-absorbing complex was improved within the pilot site as well as on control one. Absorbed sodium was 4-5 %, calcium - 65 %, that is favourable for crop cultivation. Cotton yield increased from 0.7-0.8 (1977) to 2.8-3.0 t/ha (1986).

Suggested key-words:

  1. Irrigation regime
  2. Water-salt balance
  3. Drainage outflow
  4. Water-salt regime
  5. Nutrient regime
  6. Soil-absorbing complex

Most recent publications:

Author: Yakubov M.

Title: Soil water-salt regime formation within the growing period under saline water use for irrigation

Publication details: Field experiments on soil water-salt and nutrient regime formation are considered. Crop growth and germination, unsaturated zone water-salt balance, groundwater state are presented.

Year of publication: 1986

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