Knowledge Base

Project title:

Field investigations of close horizontal drainage optimal parameters in Bukhara province

Project location:

Country: Republic of Uzbekistan

Area: 250 ha

Locality: Bukhara province, Alat district , collective farm “Khodjayev”

Duration of the project:

Year in which the project was started: 1989

Project completed: 1994

Dates of Expertise: 1990, 1994

Organizations and technical staff involved:

Supervisor/project coordinator: Nasonov Vladimir

Organization: SANIIRI

Address: 11, Karasu -4, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan

Other counterparts: Alimdjanov Akhmad, SANIIRI

Funding agencies:

Ministry for Land Reclamation and Water Management (100 %)

Summary of research project:

Objective and technical fields:

Soil salinization prevention and irrigated lands productivity increase on base of land drainability improvement by means of close horizontal drainage. Objectives: drainage optimal parameters definition on salinizated deserted and medow-deserted lands within alluvial delta of Zerafshan river. Reclamation efficiency and close horizontal drainage parameters determination. Soil water -salt regime management on background of such drainage.

Scientific and technical approach:

Irrigated lands drainability strengthening for salinization prevention is achieved by means of close horizontal drainage construction and creation of downward flow under leaching.

Environment characteristics:

Climate is characterized by hot summer, relatively cold winter, low precipitation and lot of sunny days. Average air temperature is 14.8 oC with maximum 48 oC in summer and minimum -28 oC in winter. Duration of the non- freezing period is 213 - 214 days. Average air temperature during growing season is 22.8 -24.4 oC. Sum of positive temperature is 4680.7 -4794 oC. Annual precipitation is 114 125 mm. Mainly rainfall occurres during non -growing period (70 -75 %). Evaporativity is 1350 mm. Wind is very active, only 16 -17 days a year it is absent. Landscape is flat with slope 0.002 -0.0003. Soils are medow -deserted: heavy loam -10 %, middle loam - 20 %, light loam -41 %, sandy loam -29 %. Lithology: multilayered thickness constituted by sandy loam, loam, clay with permeability K = 0.1 -0.4 m/day. There are two sites with typical conditions:

1. Heavy and middle loam soils prevail with permeability Kp=0.12 -0.3 m/day, soils are middle and strongly salinizated, groundwater salinity is 4 -60 g/l.

2. Light loam and sandy loam with Kp =0.5 m/day, soils slightly and non -salinizated, groundwater salinity is 2 -15 g/l. Main crop until 1993 -cotton (80 %), since 1993 wheat (90 %), corn for silage (5 -6 %), cotton (3 -4 %), vegetables -melons (3 -4 %). Irrigation depth for cotton 2.8 -2.0 with 3 -4 irrigations; for corn 1.2 -1.6, 5 -6 irrigations; for wheat 1.8 -2.2, 4 -5 irrigations.

Parameters of Pilot Projects and Technical Solutions:

Irrigated area is 250 ha (gross). Close horizontal drainage parameters are as follows: eight close drains are constructed within the 1-st site (depth is 2.4 -2.6 m, distance between drains is 80 -150 m, length is 400 -650 m). Three close drains are constructed within the 2-nd site (depth is 2.2 -2.4 m, distance between drains is 300 -400 m, length is 350 -400 m). Tubes are plastic with screen cover and sand -gravel strewed. Irrigation network is represented by concrete flumes (90 %) and earthen ones (10 %). South border is Amubukhara canal, north and west borders are collectors.


Field investigations of water, salt movement and water -salt balance elements measurement. Site was equipped by all means of accounting and measurement. Multicriterial analysis was used for data processing and summarizing.


Four years observations of water -salt regime regulation on background of drainage showed:

  • drainage parameters and leaching regime of irrigation provided soil desalinization within unsaturated zone and groundwater upper layer;
  • areas of strongly and middle salinizated soils decreased by 3.5 times; salt removal within 4 years was 274 t/ha. Soil desalinization dynamics was intensive and within 3 years strongly salinizated soils became slightly or non -salinizated ones;
  • drainage effluent salinity depends on soil salinization level and was for strongly salinizated soils 20 -52 g/l; for less salinizated soils -9.4 -8.5 g/l with decrease almost 2 times to the end of 1994;
  • groundwater average level during growing season was 1.67 -2.08 m. Depletion rate after irrigation was 0.08 -1.13 m/day;
  • groundwater salinity to 5 g/l area increased by 3 times from 23 to 76 ha, more than 20 g/l -decreased 2.7 times from 127 to 48 ha;
  • water duty was 102000 -8000 cu.m/ha in spite of low water supply. Measures undertaken allowed to create leaching regime and change structure of water -salt balance. Balance was supported negative with salt removal 18.47 -33.18 t/ha. Drainage outflow was 2437 -1623 cu.m/ha. Drainage modulus was 0.05 -0.08 l/sec. Leaching regime ratio was for structure with prevailing cotton -1.16; with prevailing wheat -1.2; drainage outflow was constituted for about 25 % by water supply. Total evaporation decreased that provided high rate of soil and groundwater desalinization;
  • drains with relatively shallow depth required less expenses for their construction and maintenance;
  • drains hydraulic and hydrotechnical parameters are quite high, discharge achieves 5.17 l/sec. Zone of active water and salt exchange was 4 -5 m.

Analysis of results permitted to recommend for deserted and medow -deserted soil on delta sediments the following drainage parameters:

  • optimal depth for light mechanical composition of soil is 1.9 -2.3 m under groundwater depth 1.6 -1.75 m and distance between drains 80 -150 m;
  • optimal depth for heavy mechanical composition of soil is 2.00 -2.40 m under groundwater depth 1.65 -1.95 m and distance between drains 80 -150 m.

Suggested key-words:

  1. Soil salinization
  2. Close horizontal drainage
  3. Soil desalinization
  4. Leaching
  5. Irrigation water saving
  6. Salt removal

Most recent publications:

Author: A. Alimdjanov

Title: Close shallow horizontal drainage reclamation efficiency on medow soils of Bukhara province.

Publication details: Soil water -salt regime and balance elements under close horizontal drainage influence.

Year of publication: 1995

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