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Project title:

Assessment of a technical state of existing irrigation systems in the Vakhsh valley

Project location:

Country: Republic of Tajikistan

Area: 235 900 ha

Locality: Kurgantyube province

Duration of the project:

Year in which the project was started: 1981

Project completed: 1986

Dates of Expertise: 1986

Organizations and technical staff involved:

Supervisor/project coordinator: Khalikov Akpardzjan Khalikovich

Organization: Tajik Agrarian University

Address: Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaky avenue, 146

Other counterparts: Akramov Abdugaffor, Tajik Agrarian University

Funding agencies:

Ministry for Water Resources and Land Reclamation (100 %)

Summary of research project:

Objective and technical fields:

Increase of existing irrigated land productivity on the basis of rational use while raising constantly their fertility.

Scientific and technical approach:

Assessment of possibilities of increase of existing irrigated lands productivity by quality and time on the base of current situation analysis and forecast of its prospective development taking into account per capita consumption of agricultural products. Determination of necessary expenditures for implementation of reclamation measures needed to provide increase of irrigated land productivity.

Environment characteristics:

The Vakhsh valley located in the south-west in Tajikistan in an inter-mountain hollow. Relief is formed by flowing waters. The climate is characterized by short winter with unstable weather, by dry summer and low precipitation.

According to geomorphologic structure the valley is divided into two types: 1- the valley of the Vakhsh river, 2 - the valley with temporary flows of local supply. Type of ground water salinity is sulphate-sodium-chloride.

Parameters of Pilot Projects and Technical Solutions:

Irrigated area is 235 900 ha. Length of irrigation network is 6620 km. Length of main canals is 1556 km. Length of collector-drainage network is 5330 km. There are 10 operated irrigation systems in the Vakhsh valley.


Field studies on technical state of the irrigation systems in the Vakhsh valley, analysis of the results of the studies and materials of executive water management organizations.


Below there is description of irrigated lands according to their reclamation state, th.ha.

1. By ground water level

a) good - 148,7

b) satisfactory - 45,8

c) unsatisfactory - 38,5

2. By ground water salinity

a) good - 61,8

b) satisfactory - 137,4

c) unsatisfactory - 31,8

3. By soil salinization

a) good - 177,0

b) satisfactory - 35,4

c) unsatisfactory - 18,6

4. By erodibility

a) good - 227,6

b) satisfactory - 3,4

c) unsatisfactory -

5. By stoniness

a) good - 220,8

b) satisfactory - 6,5

c) unsatisfactory - 3,7

By soil degradation

a) good - 146

b) satisfactory - 81,6

c) unsatisfactory - 3,4

Total length of irrigation network is 6620 km, including 1303 km with concrete coating, 1724 km of pipes, 4028 km in earthen channel.

Total length of the main canals is 1566 km, including 1282 km with concrete coating, 283 km in earthen channel. Irrigation technique is the following: 71 th. ha are irrigated by flexible hoses, 164,9 th.ha are under furrow irrigation.

Drainage is needed for 61,9 th.ha. There are 108 vertical drainage wells. Irrigation norm (gross) is 16-19,5 th.m3 /ha, efficiency of inter-farm network is 0,62-0,8, water use efficiency is 0,7-0,8. Types of reconstruction and prospective rise of the technical state of irrigation systems in the Vakhsh valley were determined.

Suggested key-words:

  1. Technical state
  2. Reclamation state description
  3. Land productivity increase
  4. Efficiency
  5. Water use efficiency
  6. Irrigation technique

Most recent publications:

Author: Khalikov Akpardzjan Khalikovich

Title: Issue of economic justification of sloping areas development for irrigation

Publication details: The ways of existing irrigated land productivity increase in the valley parts of Tajikistan are given. Technical assessment of reclamation condition of irrigated lands and types of system reconstruction are given.

Year of publication: 1996

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