Knowledge Base

Water Use and Farm Management Survey


Location of pilot farms


1. Summary


2. Introduction

3. Methodology

    3.1 Selection of Sample Farms
    3.2 Training Seminars and Guidance Notes
    3.3 Codebook
    3.4 Record Sheets
    3.5 Soil Survey and Sampling


4. Climate data

    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Air temperature
    4.3 Relative air humidity
    4.4 Wind speed
    4.5 Solar radiation
    4.6 Rainfall
    4.7 Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo)

5. Soil data

    5.1 Soil Survey and Sampling
    5.2 Type and Number of Analyses
    5.3 Soil Profile Descriptions
    5.4 Soil Texture
    5.5 Soil Bulk Density
    5.6 Soil Penetration Resistance
    5.7 Moisture Characteristics
    5.8 Soil Alkalinity
    5.9 Soil Organic Matter
    5.10 Plant Nutrients
    5.11 Soluble Salts in Soil Samples
    5.12 Cation Exchange Capacity
    5.13 Soil Salinity

6. Farm profiles

    6.1 Farm Size and Land Development
    6.2 Characteristics of Sample Fields
    6.3 Cropping Pattern
    6.4 Labour Resources
    6.5 Use of Agrochemicals
    6.6 Drainage
    6.7 Water Resources and Farm Machinery

7. Water resources

    7.1 Water supply to farms
    7.2 Types of Field Supply Canals
    7.3 Methods of In-field Irrigation
    7.4 Ground Water
    7.5 Irrigation Water Use
    7.6 Water quality

8. Mechanisation

    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Zonal Machinery Systems
    8.3 Mechanisation Norms
    8.4 Availability and Condition of Machinery
    8.5 Age of Machinery
    8.6 Machinery use in 1997
    8.7 Variable Costs of Machinery
    8.8 Conclusions

9. Commodity prices and taxation

    9.1 Economic Commodity Prices
    9.2 Financial Price of Output Products
    9.3 Seed Prices
    9.4 Fertiliser Prices
    9.5 Agro-chemical and Biological Control Prices
    9.6 Labour
    9.7 Water Charges
    9.8 Taxes
    9.9 Community Costs

10. Crop yields and gross output

    10.1 Definition
    10.2 Crop Prices
    10.3 Crop Yields
    10.4 Crop Gross Output

11. Variable costs

    11.1 Definition
    11.2 Input prices
    11.3 Physical Inputs in Crop Production
    11.4 Seed Rates
    11.5 Use of Machinery
    11.6 Labour Use
    11.7 Fertiliser Rates
    11.8 Use of Agrochemicals
    11.9 Use of Water
    11.10 Summary of Variable Costs

12. Crop financial gross margin

    12.1 Definition
    12.2 Reliability of Gross Margin Estimates
    12.3 Cropping Intensity
    12.4 Crop Gross Margins
    12.5 Returns to Inputs

13. Agronomic data

    13.1 Plant Population in Cotton
    13.2 Plant Height and Rooting Depth in Cotton
    13.3 Flowering and Boll Development in Cotton
    13.4 Weed Competition
    13.5 Pests and Diseases
    13.6 Cotton Pests and Diseases
    13.7 Wheat Pests and Diseases
    13.8 Pests and Diseases of Lucerne


14. Soil moisture and fertility

    14.1 Prediction of Available Moisture
    14.2 Soil Compaction
    14.3 Bulk Density and Penetration Resistance
    14.4 Plough Pans
    14.5 Salinity Assessment
    14.6 Soil Salinity and Yield
    14.7 Soil Fertility and Fertiliser Use

15. Water management

    15.1 Irrigation Water Use
    15.2 Groundwater Contribution to the Crop Root Zone
    15.3 Efficiency of Water Use at Field Level
    15.4 Gradients and Infiltration Rate in Sample Fields
    15.5 Water Losses
    15.6 Productivity of Irrigation Water for Cotton and Wheat
    15.7 Irrigation Water Quality
    15.8 Drainage and Groundwater

16. Efficiency of use of inputs

    16.1 Seed
    16.2 Fertilisers
    16.3 Machinery
    16.4 Labour
    16.5 Other Agrochemicals

17. Profitability of crop production

    17.1 Maximising the Return to Land
    17.2 Maximising the Return to Investment
    17.3 Returns to Individual Inputs
    17.4 Conclusions

Section 5: ANNEXES

1 Introduction

2 Summary

3 Methodology

    3.1 Selection of Sample Farms
    3.2 Training Seminars and Guidance Notes
    3.3 Codebook
    3.4 Record Sheets
    3.5 Soil Survey and Sampling

4 Climate data

    4.1 Introduction
    4.2 Air temperature
    4.3 Relative air humidity
    4.4 Wind speed
    4.5 Solar radiation
    4.6 Rainfall
    4.7 Crop Evapotranspiration (ETo)
    4.8 Deficiency of Soil Moisture

5 Soil data

    5.1 Soil Survey and Sampling
    5.2 Type and Number of Analyses
    5.3 Soil Profile Descriptions
    5.4 Soil Texture
    5.5 Soil Bulk Density
    5.6 Soil Penetration Resistance
    5.7 Moisture Characteristics
    5.8 Soil Alkalinity
    5.9 Soil Organic Matter
    5.10 Plant Nutrients
    5.11 Soluble Salts in Soil Samples
    5.12 Cation Exchange Capacity
    5.13 Soil Salinity

6 Farm profiles

    6.1 Farm Size and Land Development
    6.2 Cropping Pattern
    6.3 Labour Resources
    6.4 Use of Agrochemicals
    6.5 Farm Machinery
    6.6 Drainage

7 Water resources

    7.1 Water supply to farms
    7.2 Types of Field Supply Canals and Methods of In-field Irrigation
    7.3 Ground Water
    7.4 Water quality

8 Agronomic data

    8.1 Plant Population in Cotton
    8.2 Plant Height and Rooting Depth in Cotton
    8.3 Flowering and Boll Development in Cotton
    8.4 Weed Competition
    8.5 Pests and Diseases

      8.5.1 Cotton Pests and Diseases
      8.5.2 Wheat Pests and Diseases
      8.5.3 Pests and Diseases of Lucerne

9 Crop yields and gross output

    9.1 Definition
    9.2 Crop Yields
    9.3 Crop Gross Output

10 Efficiency of use of inputs

    10.1 Seed
    10.2 Fertilisers
    10.3 Machinery
    10.4 Labour
    10.5 Agrochemicals

11 Variable costs

    11.1 Input prices
    11.2 Total Variable Costs

12 Crop gross margin and profitability of crop production

13 Trends in water productivity on main crops

    13.1 Actual water productivity
    13.2 Cotton
    13.3 Winter Wheat
    13.4 Lucerne
    13.5 Rice

Executive summary

1 Introduction

    1.1 Water for Irrigation
    1.2 Water Productivity Defined
    1.3 Targets for WUFMAS 1999
    1.4 Field Programme in 1999

2 Productivity of water

    2.1 Index of Water Productivity
    2.2 Crop Yields
    2.3 Crop Gross Margins
    2.4 Water Use
    2.5 Irrigation Schedules
    2.6 Irrigation Efficiency
    2.7 Return to Water Compared With Other Inputs

3 Analysis of variation in productivity

    3.1 Yield Factors

      3.1.1 Seed
      3.1.2 Fertilisers
      3.1.3 Machinery
      3.1.4 Labour
      3.1.5 Pest Management
      3.1.6 Total Variable Cost
      3.1.7 Irrigation Schedules

    3.2 Water Management

      3.2.1 Gross Water Application
      3.2.2 Application Efficiency
      3.2.3 Slope and Length of Furrows
      3.2.4 Furrow Profile and Roughness
      3.2.5 Duration of Irrigation and Furrow Flow Rate
      3.2.6 Planting under Plastic Film
