Knowledge Base

Assessment of the results of previous pilot projects on irrigation and drainage in Central Asia


Executive Summary

Introduction. Irrigation and drainage development in the region

Chapter A. Natural conditions of basin

Chapter 1. Crop water consumption rates and irrigation regime

Chapter 2. Investigations on pilot plots on soil water-salt regime and ecological-meliorative processes on background of drainage and leaching of saline lands


    2.1. Regulation of soil water-salt regimes and management of reclamation processes on irrigated lands on the background of horizontal drainage

      2.1.1. Hydrogeologic-soil-reclamation characteristics of pilot plots (PP)
      2.1.2 General description of irrigation-drainage network and economic conditions
      2.1.3. Irrigation and water supply regime, drainage outflow formation
      2.1.4. Changes in drainage effluent salinity
      2.1.5. Drainage effect on water-salt regime of aeration and saturation zones
      2.1.6. Total and partial water-salt balances formation on background of drainage
      2.2.7. Main conclusions and recommendations

    2.2. Regulation of water-salt regimes and management of meliorative processes on vertical drainage systems background (in artesian, sub-artesian and non-artesian hydrogeological conditions)

      2.2.1. Hydrogeological-soil-meliorative conditions of experimental-production plots Climatic conditions of vertical drainage pilot plots Geomorphological-hydrogeological conditions Soil-meliorative characteristics

      2.2.2. Irrigation-economic characteristics of experimental-production plots
      2.2.3. Design parameters and technical charcteristics of vertical drainage wells operated in pilot plots
      2.2.4. Formation of common and partial water -salt balances of irrigated lands on the background of vertical drainage on pilot plots and large irrigated massifs
      2.2.5. Regulation of soil water -salt regime within aeration zone and top fine-grained deposits
      2.2.6. Variation of salinity and chemical composition of pumped water under long-term operation of vertical drainage system
      2.2.7. Water abstracted use for irrigation and leaching
      2.2.8. Meliorative-ecological processes management by means of vertical drainage and selection of optimal irrigation meliorative regime
      2.2.9. Active zone of water and salt exchange under drainage systems operation
      2.2.10. Technical and economic comparison of effectiveness of water-salt processes regulation and selection of the optimal drainage types for saline land reclamation

    2.3. Management of water-salt processes on irrigated lands through leaching and leading regime of irrigation on background of different types of drainage

      2.3.1. Salinization impact on productivity of irrigated lands
      2.3.2. Salinization impact on productivity of irrigated lands Conditions of capital leaching implementation Desalinization of saline highly gypsum-bearing soils on background of vertical drainage Soil desalinization through rice crop and without it on the background of horizontal drainage Effectiveness of two-stage leaching of hardly-reclaimed strong-salinizated soils Impact of chemical meliorants and deep loosening on soil desalinization rate Water use and soil desalinization improvement on the background of horizontal drainage

      2.3.3. Operational leaching of saline soils Terms and conditions of operational leaching and water recharge irrigation conduction Field investigations of soil water-salt regime management under operational leaching on background of vertical drainage

 Water-salt regime of hardly reclaimed soils under leaching irrigation regime on background of vertical drainage
 Soil water-salt regimes under operational leaching on lands of spotted salinization
 Soil desalinization in conditions of non-artesian groundwater recharge on the background of vertical drainage Operational leaching efficiency on the background of horizontal drainage

 Operational leaching efficiency in Amudarya lower reaches
 Hardly reclaimed soils desalinization rate acceleration under operational leaching
 Development and operational leaching of gray-meadow and sodificated soils of Djizak steppe

Chapter 3. Field investigations of drainage waters re-use in place of their origin

Chapter 4. Test-production investigations of irrigation optimal methods, technique and technology


Lessons learned and prospective problems to be solved in the future