Republic of Kazakhstan
Norms of Irrigation for Rice and Lucerne on Saline Soils of Irrigation Schemes in the Lower Syr Darya
Determination of Water Consumption and Diversion Norms in Rice Growing with Horizontal Drainage
Control over the Water-Salt Regime of Soils of Rice Fields with Horizontal Drainage
Control over the Water-Salt Regime of Soils of Rice Fields with Vertical Drainage
Determination of Water Consumption and Diversion Norms through Optimization of Vertical Drainage Operational Regime
Study of the Irrigation Regime for Secondary Crops of the Rice Crop Rotation
Influence of an Irrigation Technology on the Dynamics of Water and Salt Transportation in an Aeration Zone
Studying an effectiveness of salinized drainage water re-use in the rice systems of Southern Kazakhstan
Water use improvement at an intra-farm level by optimizing parameters of rice field macro-relief in the Kzylkum irrigation scheme
Improvement of rice irrigation system operation in the rice state farm “50 years of October” of Southern Kazakhstan province
Determination of Water Consumption and Diversion Norms in Rice Cultivation on the background of Vertical Drainage
Water use improvement at expense of in-system drainage effluent use for irrigation
Drip irrigation efficiency on the background of vertical drainage
Cotton and alfalfa water requirements and irrigation regime on old -developed medow and takir -grey soils of Keles irrigation scheme
Development of irrigation schedule and components of rice irrigation norms
Study of the elements of furrow irrigation in the Arys-Turkestan canal’s command zone
Water use improvement and soil water-salt regime management on background of horizontal drainage
Water use improvement and soil desalinization on the horizontal drainage background
Investigations of cotton drip irrigation technique and technology in Chimkent province of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Study of reclamation efficiency of vertical drainage in rice -cotton rotation under conditions of hardly rehabilitated lands represented by thin cover sediments and cleavage aquifers
Sprinkler irrigation regime and technology efficiency vertification on salinizated lands of the state farm "Pakhtaaral"
Irrigated lands water-salt regime and balance management under influence of artesian water (1960-1975)
Irrigated lands water-salt regime management under vertical drainage within rice systems of Kzylkum scheme
Groundwater salinity and chemical composition change regularity investigation with and with out regard to its use for irrigation
Study of reclamation regime and irrigated water-salt balance management of north-west part of Golodnaya Steppe
Norms of Irrigation for Crops of Rice Crop Rotation on Soils with No or Slight Salinity on Irrigation Schemes in the Lower Syr Darya
Study of an Irrigation Technique for Secondary Crops of the Rice Crop Rotation
Irrigation Regime and Components of the Rice Irrigation Norm with Horizontal Drainage in Kazalinsk Irrigation Scheme
Efficiency of the Drip Irrigation with Vertical Drainage
Selection of optimal parameters and investigation of economic and reclamation efficiency of lose horizontal drainage for northern part of Karakalpakistan
Irrigated lands water-salt regime and vertical drainage operation management in Jeticay and Kirov districts of Chimkent province
Study of vertical drainage reclamation in collective farm «Lenin»
Development of set of measures on vertical drainage system operation perfection and water supply improvement for irrigated lands of Aris-Turkestan scheme under scare water resources
Water use improvement and soil water-salt regime management on the background of vertical drainage
Study of vertical drainage systems operation regime management to stabilize ecological reclamation processes on irrigated lands
Kyrgyz Republic
To perfect the system of norms and normatives of water-use which provides expected level of crop yield and rational use of irrigation water
Impact of Irrigation by Saline Drainage Effluent on Soil Productivity
Study of soil water-salt and nutrient balance under sprinkler irrigation on the background of conjunctive operation of vertical and horizontal drainage
Leaching through flooded rice on the background of permanent horizontal drainage together with and without temporary one
To develop tecnology of soil desalinization process on the background of drainage and crop-developers alfalfa and beet irrigation by DM "Kuban"
Republic of Tajikistan
Study and Elaboration of a Soil-Protecting Crop Irrigation Technology for Sloping Lands
Optimization of the Irrigation Regime, Determination of Crop Requirements and Biological Coefficients for Maize on the Lands of the Third Irrigation Module Region (Bokhtar Region)
Regime of Irrigation and Water Requirements for Winter Wheat under Foothill Conditions of Tadjikistan (Shakhristan district)
Assessment of the Efficiency of Various Types of Saline Soils Leaching with Vertical Drainage
Study of Water Saving Efficiency and Economic Background of the Long Through Furrow Irrigation Technology with Application of Flexible Pipelines on the Lands with Inclination More than 0.01 (Yavansky district)
Determination of Optimal Elements of the Furrow Irrigation Technique with Deep Volume Loosening of Compacted Irrigated Soils
Study of Optimal Parameters for Low-Head Drip Irrigation of Gardens Using Turbid Water
Optimization of the Irrigation and Nutrition Regime during Organization of Concentrated Irrigation and Programming the Yield in Pobeda Collective Farm of Lenin district
Research on Specification of Drainage Parameters for Optimization of the Water-Salt Soil Regime
Irrigation schedule and evapotranspiration of fine-fiber cotton within the system of all-the-year-round land use in the extreme southern-west of Tajikistan
Study on outstripping desalinization of lands with precipitation using close horizontal drainage
Study of crop requirements and optimization of irrigation schedule for fodder beet under conditions of Hissar valley in Tajikistan
Irrigation schedule for medium-fiber cotton cultivated in rocky soils of Leninabad province
Optimization of irrigation schedule for medium-fiber cotton under conditions of Hissar valley
More exact definition of drainage parameters in water logged and strongly salinized thick sandy loam soils
Study and development of optimal parameters of furrow irrigation technique and technology under cotton cultivation in middle- and strongly- subsident loess soils
Study of vertical drainage effectiveness for ground waters withdrawal from salinized lands (Karalang scheme of the Vakhsh valley)
Study and development of soil-conservative irrigation technology on sloping lands
Development of technologies for reclamation state regulation using drainage and leaching of soils under backwater conditions created by Kayrakkum reservoir
Assessment of a technical state of existing irrigation systems in the Vakhsh valley
Justification of reclamation measures on improvement of the environmental-reclamation state of lands in farms of the Isfara-Lyakkan valley
Development of drainage types and structures for desalinization of soil and salinity prevention in order to re-use return waters
Study and forecast of soil’s water-salt regime and recharge of aeration zone by infiltration (Yavan valley)
Studies of Optimal Parameters of a Furrow Irrigation Technique and Technology Using a Pipe Distributiion and Irrigation System in «Samgar» and «Khamzaaliev» state farms
Irrigation Regime in the System of the All-The-Year-Round Use of Irrigated Arable Lands
Study of the Irrigation Technique and Technology of the Low-Pressure Drip Irrigation of «Tadjikistan» Type
To assess existing collector-drainage system’s performance, develop and imbed measures on their efficiency improvement
Study and imbedding of irrigation high productive method
To develop technology of saline water use for agricultural crops irrigation
Deep drainage without slope and with flooded mouths efficiency
Vegetable water consumption under conditions of Pricopetdag zone
Cotton irrigation by magneto-activated saline water
To develop irrigation technological progresses on sites with slight and without slope
Republic of Uzbekistan
Water use optimization and soil water-salt regime management on background of close horizontal drainage
Field investigations of close horizontal drainage optimal parameters in Bukhara province
Cotton water requirements regulation during new irrigated lands development
Vertical drainage system reclamation efficiency within Shuruzyak experimental site (collective farm “Navoy”)
Field tests of cotton interrupted sprinkling by sprinkler-unit “Kuban”
Development of technology of autumn-winter irrigation, soil and groundwater desalinization on background of close horizontal drainage in Fergana province
Study of saline drainage water use efficiency on the place of its origin
Investigation of cotton drip irrigation’s technique and technology in Kashkadarya province
Pilot plot of close horizontal drainage in state farm “Gagarin” in Golodnaya Steppe
Experimental plot of rice irrigation system in Takhtakupyr district of Karakalpakstan
Soil water-salt regime management within seepage zone in West Fergana on background of vertical drainage and pumped water utilisation for irrigation
Study of strongly salinizated soils' water-salt regime management by autumn-winter leaching and leaching regime of irrigation
Study of irrigated lands water-salt regime and vertical drainage management
Field investigations of water-salt regime and balance of the first stage of Karshi Steppe lands development
Drip irrigation efficiency definition for stony soils. Drip irrigation system productivity assessment
Irrigation technique and technology on sloping lands in South of Uzbekistan
Vertical Drainage System technical-economic efficiency study under the Golodnaya Steppe conditions
Development of irrigation regime and fertilization of grain crops
Investigation of reclamation processes and crops yield for long period on large irrigation scheme of Syrdarya province
Soil water-salt regime and ecological -reclamation processes management on background of vertical drainage in Zerafshan delta
Close horizontal drainage experimental site in collective farm «Uzbekistan»
Soil and groundwater study under long-term use of drainage effluent and sustainable crop yield
Tile horizontal drainage system on Horezm SANIIRI experimental site
Study of soil water-salt regime and ecological reclamation processes management on background of existing irrigation-drainage network within northern zone of Karakalpakstan
Cotton irrigation regime on hydromorphic soils
Study of soil water-salt regime management within hardly reclamated gypsum-bearing soils in Central Fergana
Vertical drainage efficiency on the West Fergana salinizated lands. Main parameters of vertical drainage system definition under conjunctive operation of vertical and horizontal drainage
Surface water saving at on-farm level and drainage outflow decrease due to groundwater use and its level regulation
Agricultural crops water requirements for definition of norm and date of cotton irrigations (state farm n1, Syrdarya province)
Precising of vineyards drip irrigation regime parameters in state farm “Communa”
Study of water-salt regime of strongly saline soils of Charagil sink of Karshy Steppe
Set of institutional-technical measures on prevention of surface water pollution by agricultural chemicals from drainage effluent from irrigated fields of Shuruzyak scheme Golodnaya Steppe
Cotton water requirements definition under two irrigation methods (furrow, sprinkler) and cotton water requirements regulation by lizimeters
Cotton in-soil irrigation efficiency determination within Golodnaya Steppe new developed lands
Study of nutrient elements balance distribution and their removal by drainage outflow
Saline water use for leaching and irrigation in Djizak Steppe in 1975-1978
Study of possibility of cotton forced irrigation on large areas without slope of Karakalpakstan
Investigations of water-salt regime and irrigation-reclamation network operation in rice irrigation systems
Experimental investigations of in-soil cotton irrigation technique and technology on new developed lands of Golodnaja Steppe
Study of in-soil irrigation system efficiency and design elements
Study of furrow irrigation technique and technology, test of irrigation equipment on subsidence soils of Karshy Steppe
Study of water-salt regime of strongly salinizated gypsum-bearing soils of the South-East of Golodnaya steppe on background of perfect types of drainage
Cotton drip irrigation technique on lands of south-west zone of Uzbekistan
Development of technological schemes and irrigation technology on soils of high permeability
Production tests of sprinkler-unit DDF-100
Study of vertical drainage within experimental site in state farm 17 of Golodnaya Steppe
Study of open horizontal drainage system productivity regularity and its influence on indices of irrigated lands (old developed zone of Golodnaya Steppe)
Study of soil reclamation regime management within large schemes on background of vertical drainage
Study of winter wheat irrigation regime for typical gray soils of Tashkent oasis
Experimental vertical drainage system in Kuva district of Fergana province
Drip irrigation of vineyards in Zaamin district of Djizak province
Arable crops irrigation regime precising on gipsum-bearing
Study of reclamation processes in State farm N 6 "Titov"
Study of soil water-salt regime management in South-Golodnostepsky Canal command zone in state farm 3A of Golodnaya Steppe
Development of recommendations on saline water use for irrigation in different conditions
Rice water requirement study
Saline drainage effluent use for irrigation on sandy-desert lands of South Kizilkum (Golodnaya Steppe)
Study of salt stock formation regularity and active zone of influence on soil desalinization and drainage effluent chemical composition
Test-production study of water-saving technologies for cotton furrow irrigation in Hanka and Hiva districts of Horezm province
Investigation and development of principles of Golodnaya Steppe zonning on vertical drainage application for irrigated lands water-salt balance management
Investigation of irrigation organisation scheme and irrigation water use in the state farms of Golodnaya Steppe
Test-production investigations of a new long-jet sprinkler machine of frontal irrigation DDF-100
Pilot sites of soil leaching with open and close horizontal drainage system in state farm N 6 "Titov" within the new developed zone of Golodnaya Steppe
Development of technological schemes of irrigation of sand-loamy gipsum-bearing soils in Karshy Steppe
Study of water-salt regime of strongly saline soils of charagil sink of Karshy Steppe
Study and development of technology of strongly salinizated soils desalinization acceleration by means of capital leaching through rice sowing under vertical drainage
Drip irrigation of vineyards in Koshrabad district of Samarkand province
Furrow irrigation technique on pebble lands by means of surface and underground pipelines under complex relief and high slopes