This Flat-Pack Water Bottle Can Squeeze Inside a Laptop Bag

A backpack’s got plenty of pouches and pockets for storing a water bottle, but a sleek messenger bag? Good luck fitting a Nalgene in there without an unsightly bulge. You’ll either need to go without and keep an eye out for drinking fountains, or toss a few dollars towards these Kickstarted flat-pack water bottles.

003Called the memobottles because they’re designed to match the dimensions of letter, A4, and A5-sized documents, the largest version can hold up to 1.25 liters of hydration, or enough hooch to get you through a Monday morning at work.

001 002A pledge of just over $20 gets you the smallest A5 version, assuming this crowdfunding initiative is successful and that producing water bottles isn’t fraught with unseen obstacles. But hopefully it isn’t, because these H2O-filled Ziploc bags we’ve been using are just ticking aqua bombs.


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