CAWater-Info / International organizations / The Asia-Pacific Water Forum

Regional Consultative Seminar on the Water Governance Improvement “New Thinking on Water Governance”

Singapore, 2-3 July 2009

The conference “New Thinking on Water Governance” dedicated to the water resources management modernization in Asia was held 2-3 July in Singapore under support of ADB.

More than 50 representatives from various countries (Chine, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, Australia, USA, France, Indonesia etc.) participated at this conference. Central Asia was presented by Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Tajikistan and Republic of Kyrgyzstan. Poltareva O. took part in the seminar as representative of SIC ICWC (The report: "New Thinking on Water Governance: on example IWRM-Fergana Project").

The issues relating to the countries cases study on the integrated water resources management were considered.

The following problems are covered by presentations during the meeting:

  • updating the water legislations which based on the assessment of the water supply sector;
  • policy, which is defining the water rights, quality standards, groundwater exploitation, demand management, resource economy, civil society involvement, clear obligations and water sector functions;
  • ensuring the effective control for water agencies and neutral governing bodies;
  • decentralized governance and technical services of WUAs; policies on reparation damages to water resources;
  • new policies in the water resources management;
  • existing educational programs in the water management sphere;
  • experience of country-participants in the integrated water resources management.

During the conference the problems concerning water allocation between countries in Central Asia (in particular in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) were considered.

More information and presentations can be known on the CD or website of the National University of Singapore:

During the regional consultative meeting in 4 July the existing problems, new policies and problems of the water governing sphere were considered.

The following participants took part in the meeting:

  • the high level representatives relating to water resources sphere;
  • experts from the BWOs and the water supply organizations;
  • managers of the water, finance and planning organizations;
  • lawmakers relating to water supply and ecological legislation;
  • managers, practitioners and researchers relating to water sector.

Specialists attended this event shared their experience concerning the governing bodies of water resources management. Specialists shared with their experience concerning the governing bodies of water resources management.

On the whole the conference was successful. The exchange of experience and information was intensive, the communication relations were established and issues and problems, which need attention of the water managers, were defined.