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Knowledge base “IWRM: Central Asian experience”


Handbooks on Integrated Water Resources Management

Textbooks and tutorials

1. IWRM principles

1.1. Management within the Hydro-Geographical Boundaries or according to the Hydrological Principle

1.2. Accounting and Use of All Kinds of Water Resources

1.3. Cross-sectoral Integration of Water Users (Horizontally)

1.4. Coordinating Different Levels of the Water Management Hierarchy (Vertically)

1.5. Participatory Water Resources Management and the Government's Role

1.6. Environmental Approach

1.7. Principle Concern: Water Conservation and Rational Water Use

1.8. Information Management System – Management and Feedback Instrument

2. Water Governance and Management

2.1. Water Governance and Management at the Level of Basins

2.2. Water Resources Governance and Management at the Level of Irrigation Systems

2.3. Water Governance and Management at the Level of Water Users Associations

3. IWRM indicators


4. Lessons Learned from IWRM Implementation in Central Asia

4.1 Pilot Projects on IWRM Implementation

4.2. Aspects of Transboundary Water Resources Management

4.3. IWRM in Action through Establishing Effective Groups of Water Users

4.4. Drainage and Land Reclamation in IWRM System

4.5. End Water User and Land Productivity Improvement Service at Farmer's Level

4.6. Social Mobilization as the Basis for Successful IWRM Promotion

5. Instruments for Integrated Water Resources Management

5.1. Publications of Global Water Partnership on IWRM tools

5.2. Monitoring Water Sources and Water Use

5.3 Water Request Assessment. Demand Management. Crops Irrigation Management Methods and Ways

5.4. Management-Information System for Water Allocation including Operative Correction of Water Use Plans

5.5 Water Use Planning at WUA Level

5.6. Automation of Water Distribution Systems

5.7. Forms of Implementation of Consulting Service

5.8. Conflicts Resolution: Types of Conflicts and Mechanisms of Their Resolution at the WUA’s Level

5.9. Financial and Economic Instruments of IWRM

5.10. Capacity Building and Training

5.11. Gender Aspects of IWRM

6. Prospects of implementing IWRM in the region

6.1. National Water Policies

6.1.1 National Water Policy of Kazakhstan

6.1.2 National Water Policy of Kyrgyzstan

6.1.3 National Water Policy of Tajikistan

6.1.4 National Water Policy of Turkmenistan

6.1.5 National Water Policy of Uzbekistan

6.2. The IWRM Introduction Process and a Role of Strategic Planning

6.3. The Public Awareness Campaign

6.4. Water and Education

6.5. Climate Change Impact on Water Resources

6.6. Water and Globalization: Impacts on Central Asia


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