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National Water Policy of Uzbekistan

National Report of the Republic Uzbekistan (2006) (pdf, 480 kB)

“Road map” planned steps towards realization of the IWRM principles and rationale of the essential activities in the Republic of Uzbekistan (2006) (pdf, 132 kB)

V.I. Sokolov, V.A. Dukhovny: Developing the National Water Policy (2009) (pdf, 21 kB)

I. Abdullaev, C. de Fraiture, M. Giordano, M. Yakubov, A. Rasulov: Agricultural Water Use and Trade in Uzbekistan: Situation and Potential Impacts of Market Liberalization (2009) (pdf, 122 kB)

Vision of IWRM based on the IWRM-FV Project experience in Uzbekistan (2011) (pdf, 447 kB)

National Stakeholder Consultations on Water: Supporting the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2013) (pdf, 928 kB)

Guidebooks for Water Users’ Associations in Uzbekistan (2006) (pdf, 3,88 MB)

Uzbekistan: Support to Policy and Institutional Reforms in Water Sectors (2007) (pdf, 737 kB)

Water Users Associations in Uzbekistan: The Introduction of a New Institutional Arrangement for Local Water Management (2007) (pdf, 3,88 MB)

T. Umbehr: National Water Resources Management Project Uzbekistan 2015-2022. The overall goal of the project is to promote an integrated, transparent and needs-based water resources management and diminish water-related disaster risks(2015) (pdf, 226 kB)

Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). SDG Indicator 6.5.1 (pdf, 525 kB)

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