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Water Request Assessment. Demand Management. Crops Irrigation Management Methods and Ways

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, M.G. Khorst, N.N. Mirzaev, G. Stulina: Evaluating and Managing Water Demands (2009) (pdf, 698 kB)

N.N. Mirzaev, A.I. Tuchin, A. Alimdjanov, H. Manthrithilake: Water Allocation including On-the-fly Adjusting the Plans of Water Use (2009) (pdf, 38 kB)

N.N. Mirzaev, A.I. Tuchin, A. Alimdjanov, H. Manthrithilake: Planning Water Use at the Level of WUAs - the Plan of Daily Water Use based on the Irrigation Schedule (2009) (pdf, 38 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, S.A. Nerozin: Water Use Aimed at Enhancing Land and Water Productivity (2009) (pdf, 221 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, S.A. Nerozin: Management of Irrigation and Agricultural Practice Based on State-of-the-Art Technological and Engineering Methods for Achieving Efficient Use of Land and Water Resources and Sustainable Crop Yields at the Field Level (2009) (pdf, 1148 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov, S.A. Nerozin: Water-Saving Methods Used on Project Demonstration Sites (2009) (pdf, 294 kB)

Sh.Sh. Mukhamedjanov: Estimation of irrigation water use and its allocation at the districts’ and farms’ level in the period of agricultural sector’s reorganization in the territories of three states in Fergana Valley (2010) (pdf, 193 kB)

Manual on calculation and choosing the norms and elements of irrigation technique for cotton and winter wheat based on results of IWRM-Fergana project (2005) (pdf, 294 kB)

J. Mohan Reddy, S. Muhamedjanov, K. Jumaboev: Water Productivity of Cotton in Fergana Valley of Central Asia (2012) (pdf, 177 kB)

K. Jumaboev, Mohan Reddy Junna, S. Muhammedjanov, O. Anarbekov: Irrigation Extension Development in Central Asia: Experience from Water Productivity Improvement Project of Ferghana Valley (2012) (pdf, 115 kB)

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