Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Increasing water supply of distant pastures Обустройство родников для улучшения водопоя животных
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool System for enhancing water availability Public participation principle
Field of application
  • Use of water resources
  • Use of land resources
  • Environmental protection

Использование водных ресурсов

Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change High Moderate
Implemented by Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Water Economy (KazSRIWE) LLP
Общественный Фонд (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо»
Used by

Country: Kazakhstan

Province: South Kazakhstan Region

Other settlement: distant pastures of A. Sagintayev LLP

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Chuy Region

District: Sokuluk District

Local specifics

The climate of Jambyl Region is characterized by significant dryness and continentality. The majority of Talas District is located in the desert zone. The warm season is characterized by high air dryness.

Despite substantial thermal resources, considerable lack of moisture limits crop cultivation. The majority of the district’s territory is used for spring, fall and winter grazing. Water supply of pastures is ensured by underground water.

Объект расположен в полузасушливой зоне с острой нехваткой водных ресурсов в летний период. Деградация земель.

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.06.2015

End date: 15.09.2015

Start date: 01.01.2011

End date: 31.12.2011

Problem solved through this practice

Water supply of the farms located in the zone of distant-pasture livestock production; possibilities to utilize idle wells containing highly mineralized water, use water resources in a rational manner, as well as to increase the area of used pastures by way of supplying them with additional water.

Степень водообеспеченности пастбищных земель очень низкая, количество перегона скота на водопой меньше, чем по нормативу, эрозия почв.

Tools used in the practice

Technology of reverse osmosis water de-salination in well casing columns

Технология обустройства родников для водопоя животных

Description of the practice and its results

The water-lifting and de-salination technology includes several innovative elements like air-tight wellheads, pipeless water-lifting devices and de-salination module block in absence of high-pressure pump to drive water through them.

Water de-salination with its subsequent separation into soft (permeate) water supplied to consumers and saline concentrate diverted for disposal.

Protected by Patent No. 23118 of the RK:

 - application of water lifting pipes for submersible pumps is excluded;

- pollution of the water-bearing layer is excluded;

- labor input (assembly and dismantling works) decreases by 40-70%;

- power costs (water lifting) decrease by 30%;

- water return of the water-bearing layer due to vacuuming the water reception section increases;

- exclusion of capital costs associated with construction of a heated room for de-salination block.

Economic efficiency

The social effect lies in supplying consumers with high-quality drinking water, and the economic effect – in growing livestock population grazing in distant pastures with additional (de-salinized underground) water supply. The later will increase Kazakhstan’s food security and meat export capacity, as well as enhance the overall environmental condition of distant pastures.


Сначала определено точное место выклинивания воды и
очищено от грязевой массы. Ниже 15 метров от этого места построены 3 сообщающиеся корыта для водопоя. Длина каждого корыта 1,8 метра, ширина 0,50 метра и глубина 0,50 метра. Каждое последующее корыто размещено ниже предыдущего, и вода поступает в виде каскада в нижние части земель.


Скот набирает живой вес быстрее.

Улучшилась водообеспеченность территории, в том числе для скота.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Enhancing water supply of pastures by restoring existing and, where possible, building new well infrastructure; possibility of using water sources with mineralized water that were not used previously, providing livestock crews and cattle on pastures with drinking-quality water.


Сбор воды в одно место практиковался с древних времен, но он со временем был забыт. Восстановление традиционного опыта следует приветствовать.


Нужно продолжать такие мероприятия, так как такие практики выгодны не только местному населению, но они обеспечивают водой и диких животных, а также увеличивают пастбищные сенокосные площади.

Source of practice

Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)

Традиционные инструменты, передаваемые из поколения в поколение и показавшие ценность в современных условиях

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: Moderate

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha: 2,000 thous. tenge

3. O&M costs: Moderate

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

1. Cost of implementation: Low

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: Low

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

The R&D works were executed under the theme “Investigating the Process of De-Salinizing Different Types of Mineralized Underground Water and Identifying De-Salination Regimes for Water Supply of Pasturable Land” (2013-2015, amount of funding – 13.5 mln tenge) within the framework of Project 0190/GF3 under Program 055 “Research and scientific-technical activities”, Sub-Program 101 “Grant funding of scientific research” as per the contract with SE “Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.  The process of de-salinizing mineralized underground water with different physical and chemical characteristics was designed and adjusted in lab and field conditions on distant pastures.  In addition, the technical standards of operating devices to treat underground water with 2-7 g/l mineralization (as per Patent No. 23118 of the RK) were developed.

The practice was deployed under the R&D Workstream “Scientific substantiation of pasture water supply system based on GIS-technologies with the aim of intensifying distant-pasture livestock production” within the framework of Project “Development of technologies to improve and ensure rational use of pastures to advance distant-pasture livestock production” (2015-2017).

Funding source Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan (ОФ) «САMP-Алатоо» - местное население
Information sources
  1. Balgabayev, N.N., Tumlert, V.A., Tumlert, E.V. “Resource-saving technology of de-salinizing mineralized underground water in the conditions of distant pastures” / Water Magazine, No. 6 (82), 2014, pp. 46-49;
  2. Tumlert, V.A., Grankin, Yu.Ya., Tumlert, E.V., Gritsenko, N.V. “Disposal of salt brines during de-salination of mineralized water with receiving commodity salts and fertilizers”// “Science and World”, 2015, No. 8 (24), pp. 32-37;
  3. Tumlert, V.A., Grankin Yu.Ya., Tumlert, E.V. “Investigating the process of de-salting mineralized underground water based on reverse osmosis via a device installed in well trunk” // ”Science and World”, 2015, No. 12 (28);
  4. Tumlert, V.A. “Issues of restoring and upgrading pasture water supply infrastructure to revive distant-pasture livestock production” // “Agricultural Science of Kazakhstan Digest”, 2014, No. 9.

Абдыбек Асаналиев, Кыргызский Национальный Аграрный Университет, Бишкек

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Form submission date 18.05.2018 09.08.2017
