Interactive map of the best practices

on the use of water, land and energy resources,
as well as the environment of Central Asia

Comparison of practices

Название практики Increasing water use efficiency on WUA and water user levels Использование системы капельного орошения при естественном напоре воды
Category Water resources Water resources
Tool Irrigation technique and technology Drip irrigation system
Field of application
Usability of practice for adaptation to climate change Moderate High
Implemented by Department of Water Management and Reclamation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry and Reclamation (MoAFIR) of the Kyrgyz Republic with the support of Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation
Научно-исследовательский институт ирригации и водных проблем при Ташкентском институте ирригации и мелиорации
Used by

Country: Kyrgyzstan

Province: Jalal-Abad Region

Country: Uzbekistan

Province: Namangan Region

District: Pap District

Local specifics

Water User Associations (WUAs) are located to the northwest of Jalal-Abad (region’s capital) on the border of Namangan and Andizhan Regions of Uzbekistan (Kugart River Valley, 1,200 m ASL, northern tail of the Fergana Valley).

Предгорная засушливая зона; почвы - сильноводопроницаемые, подстилаемые галечниками; территория расположена ниже водохранилища «Жийдалисой»

Practice usage period

Start date: 01.01.2009

End date: 31.12.2017

Start date: 01.01.2013

End date: 31.12.2014

Problem solved through this practice

Low water use efficiency on WUA and farm levels

Нерациональное использование оросительной воды, удобрений; дефицит электроэнергии; низкий бонитет почвы, низкая урожайность сельхозкультур, низкое качество сельхозпродукции, эрозия почвы.

Tools used in the practice

Technical tools:

Effective water use technologies, modern technologies of irrigation water management.

Cognitive tools:

Consultations by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and local experts, capacity-building training seminars.

Система безнапорного капельного орошения (СКО)

Description of the practice and its results


Capacity building:

  • farmers in pilot areas underwent trainings on advanced methods of effective water use;
  • the Project was implemented within WUAs and agriculture servicing organizations;
  • in 2011, 1,694 farmers (including 488 women) underwent community-level trainings on effective management of water resources; training and awareness-raising materials (manuals, modules, newsletters, etc.) were designed, published and disseminated among partners; also, Guidelines on Effective Community-Level Use of Water Resources and Advanced Irrigation Methods were developed and disseminated.

Partnership building:

  • trainings-of-trainers for partner organizations on 10 aspects of effective irrigation water use were held;
  • irrigation specialists visited all partners for consultations (30 visits);
  • partners received spillways to measure water consumption;
  • farmers exchanged their experiences in the course of exchange visits.


The practice promoted building of WUA capacities, increasing the efficiency of irrigation water use on farm level as well as building farmer capacities on water resources management.


СКО с естественным напором внедрена на территории водохранилища «Жийдалисой». СКО подключена к уже работающей сети трубопроводов, которые были предназначены для самотечного орошения. За счет разности отметок земли в начальной точке трубы и в начале орошаемого участка в системе создается естественный напор воды, который позволяет СКО сада работать без насосного оборудования, то есть без потребления электроэнергии.


Вода и удобрение, благодаря использованию СКО, распределялись равномерно, строго по нормам, своевременно и экономно. Экономия водных ресурсов составила около 50%.

Достигнута прибавка урожая сельхозкультур (на 30-40 %) и улучшение их качества.
Сэкономлены 350 тыс. сум на гектар (150 $/га) за счет экономии электроэнергии и отказа от ремонта насосного оборудования.

Lessons learnt and recommendations made

Lessons learnt:

Water shortage and inefficient water use (field/farm level) pose obstacles to farmers receiving high yields and incomes from agricultural production. Excessive irrigation in upper-stream areas and water shortage in lower-stream areas, although a paradox, occur simultaneously as farmers lack knowledge on actual crop water requirements and water-efficient irrigation.


The practice should be scaled-up across the country.  It is also necessary to conduct regular trainings to raise awareness among farmers and build their capacities on applying advanced irrigation methods providing them with an opportunity to manage scarce water resources more effectively.


Применение естественного напора воды позволяет сделать СКО более доступными для фермерских хозяйств, расположенных на склоновых землях предгорий.


Необходимо проведение изысканий для того, чтобы выявить места, где возможно использование СКО при естественном напоре воды.

Source of practice
  • Domestic tools (outcomes of research by domestic R&D organizations)
  • Foreign tools (transfer of foreign experience)

Отечественные инструменты (результат разработок отечественных научно-исследовательских структур)

Readiness for implementation

1. Cost of implementation: High

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha:

3. O&M costs: High

4. Expert support: Not needed

1. Cost of implementation: Moderate

2. Approximate cost of investment per 1 ha: Примерно 2,0-2,5 тыс. до

3. O&M costs: Moderate

4. Expert support: Needed at implementation stage

Brief information on the project

Project title: Effective Water Use (SEP) (Kyrg. “Suunu effektivduu paidalanuu”)

Project duration: 2009-2017 (9 years).

Project goal and objectives: enhance water resources management frameworks and capacities in terms of rendering services to farmers with the aim of increasing their incomes, food security and capabilities to adapt to social, economic and climate risks; improve farmers knowledge and their abilities to apply advanced field-level irrigation and water collection methods providing them with an opportunity to manage scarce water resources more effectively.

Project beneficiaries: water users (farmers) and WUAs.

Project implementer: Department of Water Management and Reclamation of the MoAFIR of Kyrgyzstan

Название: Инновационная научно-техническая работа «Внедрение СКО за счет использования естественного напора воды в водохранилище предгорной зоны».

Продолжительность: 2013–2014 гг.

Цели и задачи: Создать СКО, работающих без насосных оборудований.

Получатели выгод от его реализации: Сотрудники водохранилища «Жийдалисой» при Нарын-Сырдарьинском БУИС

Структура, ответственная за реализацию проекта: Государственный Комитет по Науке и Технике Республики Узбекистан (ГКНТ РУз).

Донор: ГКНТ РУз

Funding source Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation Азиатский Банк Развития (АБР) в долевом участии ГКНТ РУз
Information sources
  1. Assessment report on water user associations performance in southern regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2010;
  2. Presentation “Review of adaptation projects in the Kyrgyz Republic: preliminary outcomes”; 
  3. SEP: Effective Water Use, Kyrgyzstan, 2011 Annual Report, HELVETAS ;
  4. "Suunu Effektivduu Paidalanuu” (SEP) Leaflet, Intra-Farm Water Resources Management Project.
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Form submission date 18.05.2018 22.08.2017
