Quench Your Thirst: With Benefit for Yourself and Nature

On summer days, we often tend to buy drinks in plastic bottles, many people prefer colorful soda drinks instead of clean water. As a result, more and more debris appear in the organism and in the environment. Our advices will help you to detox and to change your habits, not making any little effort.

01Advertising, bright labels and love of sweets do the trick: in the heat the hands are drawn to cool bottles of coke or other similar drinks. We will not describe in detail why you should not drink too much of them. Even a single fact is enough: a huge amount of sugar and artificial additives will keep you from achieving the result – quenching the thirst. Read more

Road to Shore: the Most Famous Water Highways:

Is it possible to drive over the bridge to the sky or to ride on the ocean waves on your own car or in an old train? It turns out it is! Browse through our Water-gallery and make sure engineering genius can not only subdue the watery element, but also create stunningly beautiful landscapes with it.


1. Dam Afsluitdijk, Netherlands. Unreadable name is translated simply – closing dam. It extremely accurately reflects its purpose. After all, a large part of this European kingdom is below sea level, and needs to be protected from flooding. The construction, which appeared in 1933, blocked the way to the sea water, turning Zuiderzee bay into a freshwater lake Ijsselmeer. Incidentally, it is not constructed of sand or concrete, but of large boulders extracted at the bottom of the bay. Read more

Before and After Rain: To Predict and to Use

Looks like it might rain!” – we sometimes jokingly quote the phrase of the famous cartoon character. But you want to know for sure what awaits us – a shower or a cloudless sky, and the testimony of numerous online weather services, often does not coincide. Will home weather stations help us? We’ll try to understand, and to get benefit from the last rain by saving water.

To be a meteorologist yourself

Is it possible to know the forecast, for example, for tomorrow, without looking at a weather report? It is possible, and very easy. No dancing with a tambourine, only science and tech! Glass thermometers and grandfather’s wall barometers were long time ago replaced by modern high-tech gadgets.

01Personal weather station is a compact but extremely functional device. It lets you know almost everything about the current weather conditions – temperature and humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall, as well as the forecast for all of the above for a period from 12 hours to a day. Some instances even report about the approaching storm and measure the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. Read more

22 Survival Uses For 2-Liter Bottles

Of all the things preppers shouldn’t throw away, probably the most useful is the 2-liter bottle. Some people discard these almost everyday, which is a shame considering all the things you can do with them.

bottled-water-honeymoonIf you’ve been drinking canned soda, it’s time to switch to 2-liters (it’s cheaper, anyway). And if you don’t drink soda, you probably have friends or relatives who do. Offer to take those empty bottles off their hands (just ignore the looks they give you).

Maybe you think I’m exaggerating the usefulness of 2-liters. Well, see for yourself. Here’s a list of survival uses for 2-liter bottles. Read more

Engineers create a computer with a water droplet processor

From driving water wheels to turning turbines, water has been used as the prime mover of machinery and the powerhouse of industry for many centuries. In ancient times, the forces of flowing water were even harnessed to power the first rudimentary clocks. Now, engineers at Stanford University have created the world’s first water-operated computer.


Engineers at Stanford University have reinvented the idea of fluid-operated equipment to create the world’s first water-operated computer

Using magnetized particles flowing through a micro-miniature network of channels, the machine runs like clockwork and is claimed to be capable of performing complex logical operations. Read more