Did you know…? Facts and figures about the Lake Merin Basin

  • Lake Merín is a freshwater body shared by Uruguay and Brazil. Covering an area of some 5,000 km2, it is the second largest lake in South America, after Lake Titicaca in the Andes. The Lake Merín basin extends about 63,000 km2 on the Atlantic coast of South America.
  • It lies in the temperate zone, with a subtropical climate and annual rainfall of 1,200 to 1,500 mm. Much of the rain falls from June to September, while November to December is usually the driest time of the year. Read more

Did you know…? Facts and figures about Estonia

  • Estonia’s annual average surface water availability is 12 billion m3 and the groundwater potential is 3.2 billion m3.
  • The rivers are characterized by short flow distances and low flow rates. Only 10 rivers are longer than 100 km. The longest is the Võhandu (162 km) and the largest is the Narva, with a catchment area of 56,200 km2, only about one-third of which is within Estonia.
  • Of Estonia’s approximately 1,200 lakes, half have a surface area of less than 0.03 km2. The largest, Lake Peipsi, covering some 3,500 km2, is the fourth largest lake in Europe. It was the subject of in-depth case studies in the first and second editions of the World Water Development Report. Read more

The Aral Sea: Time of ordeals and hopes

“…Today no one can ensure that environmental disaster which is called the Aral Sea catastrophe creates a menace for the Central Asian states only. This catastrophe has exerted its negative influence on neighboring territories for a long time. In this regard this problem should be resolved by joint efforts” I.Karimov Read more

Climate Change To Heighten International Tensions Over Freshwater Resources

The Pacific Institute Analysis for the United Nations recommends coping methods for growing supply and demand gaps of transboundary rivers and aquifers.

By Steve Kellman
Circle of Blue

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute finds that climate change and its effect on freshwater supplies may lead to more cross-border conflicts over shared water resources if countries don’t start preparing now.

The analysis, conducted by the California-based research institute and the United Nations Environment Programme, echoes recent Circle of Blue reports on shared freshwater resources serving as a flashpoint for international conflicts. As climate change alters patterns of water supply and demand, as well as flood and drought, existing water agreements may no longer apply as new disputes arise. Read more

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis

This week we continue counting down the 19 best solutions to the global freshwater crisis captured by a GlobeScan and SustainAbility poll of more than 1200 leading international experts in 80 countries. Here’s the final list.

Photo by Brent Stirton/Reportage by Getty Images for Circle of Blue
Imperial Valley, California 2009: Runoff agricultural waste water contaminated with a high saline and
fertilizer content on its way to be dumped in the Salton Sea.

Virtually every industry in the world anticipates sweeping systemic transformation over the next decade in their strategic planning, production practices, and business models, according to the Sustainability Survey Poll on Water. The global opinion poll, which released a survey of more than 1,200 sustainability experts in March, concludes that water shortages will shift public perception of the value of water, prompting governments and companies to view clean water not as a commodity to exploit but as a precious resource. Read more