Archive for June 21, 2016

Road to Shore: the Most Famous Water Highways:

Is it possible to drive over the bridge to the sky or to ride on the ocean waves on your own car or in an old train? It turns out it is! Browse through our Water-gallery and make sure engineering genius can not only subdue the watery element, but also create stunningly beautiful landscapes with it.


1. Dam Afsluitdijk, Netherlands. Unreadable name is translated simply – closing dam. It extremely accurately reflects its purpose. After all, a large part of this European kingdom is below sea level, and needs to be protected from flooding. The construction, which appeared in 1933, blocked the way to the sea water, turning Zuiderzee bay into a freshwater lake Ijsselmeer. Incidentally, it is not constructed of sand or concrete, but of large boulders extracted at the bottom of the bay. Read more