Archive for February 28, 2013

Apocalypse Is Almost Now: How Water Might Kill Us All

No one cares about the weather as a conversation starter for the next fortnight: the upcoming Armageddon forecasted by the Mayans is in our hearts and souls. There are dozens of places from where the Horsemen of Apocalypse will approach. We studied five possible scenarios of water doomsday. We do guarantee that they are not to happen on December 21st, but the possibility remains ever after.


1. Global Warming. Delayed greenhouse effect might soon become a reality. Here in Northern Hemisphere, we hope that it will start with the Antarctics, so that we’ll manage to built our arks to survive the flooding. The latter would start with Australia, New Zealand and Oceania. Japan and coastal territories of South-Eastern Asia are the next ones to be washed away. Then go the coastlines of both Americas, and after that – us, Europeans. Twenty-five per cent of solid ground of surface would shrink to 7-10%. No place to live for all seven billion people… Read more