Archive for February 21, 2013

Energy, Water, Land Intertwined & Threatened, Says Report

Water resources, energy and land use are so mutually dependent that climate-related disruptions to any one of them could lead to economically devastating ripple effects — especially as a growing population puts increasing strains on all three. That’s one conclusion of a recent report issued by a federal advisory committee charged with assessing how climate change has already affected the U.S., and what the future holds.

The National Climate Assessment draft report, nearly 1,200 pages long, explores how the Earth’s climate is controlled by a complex system of interconnections. And, more specifically, how when the climate changes, those interconnections can make for all sorts of troubles.

Rising temperatures put stress on crops, forcing farmers to irrigate more heavily. At the same time, rising temperatures are leading to reduced water supplies. Credit: USDA via WikiCommons

Rising temperatures put stress on crops, forcing farmers to irrigate more heavily. At the same time, rising temperatures are leading to reduced water supplies.
Credit: USDA via WikiCommons

“Energy projects, [including] coal-fired power, biofuel, solar farms — require varying amounts of water and land; water projects — water supply, irrigation — require energy and land; and land activities — agriculture, forestry — depend upon energy and water,” write the authors. Read more