Archive for January 22, 2013

Tokujin Yoshioka’s Waterfall Is World’s Largest Glass Table

Works of industrial designer Tokujin Yoshioka are quintessentially modern and sculpturistic in nature and the the “Waterfall” Table is no different.waterfall01

Having the distinction of being the world’s largest optical glass table, “Waterfall” once again solidifies Yoshioka position as one the most critically acclaimed Asian designers. Commissioned by a private gallery in Tokyo, “Waterfall” measures a whopping 4.5 meters and will be seen at the ‘Spectrum’ exhibition at Beyondmuseum in Seoul, Korea. Read more

Making Water Wigs With Lasers, Microphones and High-Speed Strobes

It’s not the newest hair-loss solution for men. But it is cool photography.

In a recent series of photos called Water Wigs, L.A. photographer Tim Tadder captures photos of bald men getting pounded with water balloons on the head. The water flowing around their shiny jugs looks like their missing hair might if they were driving with their heads out the window.


“I got tired of repeating the same thing all the time,” says Tadder, a successful commercial photographer who has become known for his edgy ads for companies such a Gatorade and Adidas. “I wanted to find a visual concept that I’d never seen before.” Read more

The Dead Sea

How far does one have to descend to reach the Dead Sea? About 400 meters below sea level. How deep is this salty lake? Almost the same (in the northern section). Fascinating? Absolutely! Every detail about the Dead Sea is fascinating.dead-sea

Here are a few more facts: The Dead Sea is the lowest point on earth in any land mass (417 meters below sea level, to be exact). The quantity of water that evaporates from it is greater than that which flows into it, such that this body of water has the highest concentration of salt in the world (340 grams per liter of water). Read more

Water: How much should you drink every day? (continued)

Factors that influence water needs

You may need to modify your total fluid intake depending on how active you are, the climate you live in, your health status, and if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding.


Exercise. If you exercise or engage in any activity that makes you sweat, you need to drink extra water to compensate for the fluid loss. An extra 400 to 600 milliliters (about 1.5 to 2.5 cups) of water should suffice for short bouts of exercise, but intense exercise lasting more than an hour (for example, running a marathon) requires more fluid intake. How much additional fluid you need depends on how much you sweat during exercise, and the duration and type of exercise. During long bouts of intense exercise, it’s best to use a sports drink that contains sodium, as this will help replace sodium lost in sweat and reduce the chances of developing hyponatremia, which can be life-threatening. Also, continue to replace fluids after you’re finished exercising. Read more

Water: How much should you drink every day?

Water is essential to good health, yet needs vary by individual. These guidelines can help ensure you drink enough fluids.

How much water should you drink each day? It’s a simple question with no easy answers. Studies have produced varying recommendations over the years, but in truth, your water needs depend on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live.


Although no single formula fits everyone, knowing more about your body’s need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day. Read more