Archive for October 11, 2012

Water Funds: Investing in Nature and Clean Water

Our water comes from nature. The vast majority of the world’s population depends on rivers and lakes to supply water for drinking, cooking, growing crops and more (i). Yet worldwide we are crippling nature’s ability to provide the clean water we need in order to live and to thrive.

Scientists predict that, if we continue on our current course, two-thirds of the world’s population will face water shortages by 2025.

As the world’s forests and grasslands are degraded or removed, the threats to our water supplies grow. The roots of trees and other native vegetation filter water, prevent erosion and slow water down, helping keep flow levels steady. Without this protective system, lakes and rivers are exposed to soil run-off, chemicals and other debris carried across the land by rain and snowmelt.

When sediment and pollution wash into our waterways, businesses, communities and governments are forced to pay higher costs for water treatment. In vulnerable communities that simply cannot afford water treatment, people face increasingly dirty, unhealthy water. Read more

Rivers and Lakes – Protecting Water for People and Nature

We know we need clean drinking water in order to live. But rivers and lakes – freshwater ecosystems – provide much more. They water our crops, give us fish to eat, light our homes and bring us joy.

Yet around the world we are crippling the ability of rivers and lakes to support people, plants and animals. Scientists predict that by 2025 more than two-thirds of the world’s population could face water shortages. Read more

How Do Protein Binding Sites Stay Dry in Water?

In a report to be published soon in The European Physical Journal E, researchers from the National University of the South in Bahía Blanca, Argentina studied the condition for model cavity and tunnel structures resembling the binding sites of proteins to stay dry without losing their ability to react, a prerequisite for proteins to establish stable interactions with other proteins in water.

E.P. Schulz and colleagues used models of nanometric-scale hydrophobic cavities and tunnels to understand the influence of geometry on the ability of those structures to stay dry in solution.

The authors studied the filling tendency of cavities and tunnels carved in a system referred to as an alkane-like monolayer, chosen for its hydrophobic properties, to ensure that no factors other than geometrical constraints determine their ability to stay dry. Read more

About The Earth

She’s Alive… Beautiful… Finite… Hurting… Worth Dying for.

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How a Leaf Beetle Walks Underwater

Insects are experts when it comes to adhesion on dry surfaces. However, in nature, plants may be covered by water for quite a long period of time, especially after rain. The bionic expert Professor Stanislav Gorb of Kiel University, Germany, and the material scientist Professor Naoe Hosoda of the National Institute for Material Science in Japan, discovered the remarkable ability of the terrestrial leaf beetle to walk underwater. Picking up the beetle’s locomotion mechanism, they designed an artificial material, which sticks to surfaces underwater.

The beetle walking under water (white arrows indicate trapped air bubbles).

Their scientific results are published August 8 in the online journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

“It was a productive collaboration with Naoe Hosoda,” states Gorb. “It is commonly known that adhesion between two solids in air can be produced with the help of water. Just like paper that sticks to table when it gets wet.” The liquid surface tension between air, liquids and solids is called capillary force. In order to stick to dry surfaces insects use such capillary forces with the aid of their oil-covered adhesive setae instead of water. Read more