Archive for December 20, 2011

Recent Discovery Shows Water Has a Memory

Water is absolutely required for health. Water is the beginning of life and without it, we would die very quickly. A French medical doctor, specialising in immunology, has discovered something truly fascinating about water. Dr. Jacques Benveniste has discovered certain scientific properties of water. These properties cannot be explained by conventional physics. He calls this particular brand of science digital biology. And to note: other scientists have duplicated his experiments.

Here are the tenets of his discovery:

1. When a substance is diluted in water, the water can carry the memory of that substance even after it has been so diluted that none of the molecules of the original substance remain; and

2. The molecules of any given substance have a spectrum of frequencies that can be digitally recorded with a computer, then played back into untreated water (using an electronic transducer), and when this is done, the new water will act as if the actual substance were physically present.

Dr. Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) had proved something quite controversial, which gives concrete evidence to support homeopathy. He reportedly compared himself with Galileo because of his paradigm breaking research findings. He did not win a Nobel Prize but instead won not one, but two, of the satirical “Ignobel” prizes awarded by a gang of Harvard scientists – the 1991 chemistry prize for showing that water has memory, and the 1998 prize for a paper showing that this information can be transmitted over telephone lines and the internet. Read more