The following article has been revised from its original version. Some of its original claims have been revoked due to questionable substantiation. The LifeSource water filtration system uses high-quality granular activated carbon technology that removes many harmful contaminants from water, and it is a system for helping to improve water quality in a home or office. There are other similar systems available on the market, as well as other technologies that may or may not work better for your filtration needs. For further information about the LifeSource system, or to receive detailed water quality reports, please contact LifeSource directly at
Most urbanites and suburbanites in the U.S. live in areas served by municipal water systems that add dangerous chemicals like chlorine and fluoride to water that are harmful to health. People not only absorb these chemicals when they drink such water, but they are also exposed to them when they wash their hands, take showers, and even when they wash their clothes, as the chemical residues can remain in the fabric after it has been dried. But LifeSource, a whole-house granular activated carbon water filtration system, addresses many of the problems of tap water by providing an effective, efficient and inexpensive filtering technology that cost-effectively removes most harmful contaminants from tap water. Read more