Archive for November 29, 2011

Four Basic Principles of Healthy Eating and Living

Changing your diet isn`t always easy. The first thing you need to realize is that when you go off the western diet you will undergo a detoxification process that will be both physically and mentally challenging. The urge to go back to toxic foods will be almost impossible to resist and it will take tremendous discipline and will power to withstand. It`s important to keep these four principles in mind: water, raw plant food, full-spectrum salt and full fats.


Coffee dehydrates. All stimulants do. Caffeine is a stimulant. In the morning your adrenals produce natural levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline in order to jolt you awake and get you going for the rest of the day. This should be enough to do the trick. If you wake up not feeling refreshed and rested it means your immune system wasn`t able to finish the natural cleansing process it goes through every night and prefers to keep you asleep to finish the job. In other words, your immune system is compromised and you need more adrenalin and cortisol to kick-start your brain into action.

Coffee will do just that. So will the sugar and cream you put in it. These are all stimulants which drive up your blood sugar. The result is a response from your adrenals to produce higher levels of cortisol and adrenalin than usual because your body goes into survival mode. These are not the only two hormones which are produced in excess. Your pancreas will excrete higher levels of insulin than usual to try and bring back your blood sugar to normal levels. Do this for 20, 30, maybe 40 years and you`re setting yourself up for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, even neurological diseases such as MS, Parkinson`s etc. Read more

Protect yourself from increasing radiation levels in drinking water

Growing concerns about radiation from Fukushima has led many Americans to take precautionary actions to protect themselves against rising radiation levels. Radiation has now been detected in the drinking water of over a dozen U.S. cities. As the radiation levels continue to rise it will become increasingly important to find a pure source of drinking water.

Rain water tests in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Washington have all shown elevated levels of radioiodine-131. Radiation in rain water can seep into ground water and contaminate sources used for drinking. EPA officials claim that radiation levels are still too low to affect human health at this time. Regardless of current radiation levels, it is wise to take precautions to protect your family against increasing radiation in drinking water. Read more

Hydration is Vital for Optimum Health

The human body is made up primarily of water. In fact, approximately 75 percent of your body is water and 25 percent is solid matter. Water is essential for absorbing nutrients, eliminating waste, cellular activity and all of the actions necessary for life. Drinking enough water is vital for preventing disease and enjoying a sense of wellbeing.

Without water, our bodies are unable to remove environmental toxins that most of us are exposed to daily. Generally speaking, people who suffer from chronic diseases are seriously dehydrated since the skin, stomach, liver, kidney, heart and brain rely on proper water intake. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes, chronic pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, cancer, Alzheimer`s, and many other diseases are often preceded by many years of not enough water. Many illnesses could be significantly improved by simply giving the body sufficient amounts of water so that toxins and waste can be removed. Read more

LifeSource whole-house water filtration systems are a top pick in water purification

The following article has been revised from its original version. Some of its original claims have been revoked due to questionable substantiation. The LifeSource water filtration system uses high-quality granular activated carbon technology that removes many harmful contaminants from water, and it is a system for helping to improve water quality in a home or office. There are other similar systems available on the market, as well as other technologies that may or may not work better for your filtration needs. For further information about the LifeSource system, or to receive detailed water quality reports, please contact LifeSource directly at

Most urbanites and suburbanites in the U.S. live in areas served by municipal water systems that add dangerous chemicals like chlorine and fluoride to water that are harmful to health. People not only absorb these chemicals when they drink such water, but they are also exposed to them when they wash their hands, take showers, and even when they wash their clothes, as the chemical residues can remain in the fabric after it has been dried. But LifeSource, a whole-house granular activated carbon water filtration system, addresses many of the problems of tap water by providing an effective, efficient and inexpensive filtering technology that cost-effectively removes most harmful contaminants from tap water. Read more

EWG Study Finds Hundreds of Pollutants in Nation’s Drinking Water

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released yet another report indicting the nation’s drinking water supplies are being highly contaminated with pollutants. An analysis of 20 million water quality tests performed between 2004 and 2009 revealed that many local and regional water supplies are tainted with up to 316 different toxic chemicals, many of which are unregulated by current federal standards.


Of the over 300 pollutants found, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set safe maximum limits for only 114 of them, leaving the remaining 64 percent unrecognized as pollutants and unregulated by toxin laws. A few of these chemicals include perchlorate, a toxic component of rocket fuel; freon and radon, two chemical refrigerants; acetone; and metolachlor, a weed killer.  Read more