Archive for October 18, 2011

Five Reasons You Need More Water

Water is the Elixir of Life. It comprises 80% of your body and is the most important element to your well-being and health, outdistancing all others. New readers to Natural News may not be familiar with the review Mike Adams did of the seminal water cure work of Dr. Batmanghelidj. That alone should tell you why you need to get enough water.

There is no “magic amount” that covers everyone. Some need more than others and most need more than they’re getting now. It’s estimated that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even if you don’t drink coffee, soda, or other diuretics and water-robbers, you may still be dehydrated. There is no such thing as too much water – you literally can’t get sick or die from drinking too much (good) water. You can, however, if you don’t drink enough. Read more