Archive for October 18, 2011

Five Reasons You Need More Water

Water is the Elixir of Life. It comprises 80% of your body and is the most important element to your well-being and health, outdistancing all others. New readers to Natural News may not be familiar with the review Mike Adams did of the seminal water cure work of Dr. Batmanghelidj. That alone should tell you why you need to get enough water.

There is no “magic amount” that covers everyone. Some need more than others and most need more than they’re getting now. It’s estimated that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Even if you don’t drink coffee, soda, or other diuretics and water-robbers, you may still be dehydrated. There is no such thing as too much water – you literally can’t get sick or die from drinking too much (good) water. You can, however, if you don’t drink enough. Read more

New filter technology to prevent storm water pollution runoff

Scientists from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) have developed a new “super sock” technology that helps to prevent pollution from flowing down storm drains and back into water supplies. These socks wrap around storm drains and trap pollutants like pesticides, heavy metals and petroleum products from making their way into oceans and rivers.


Published in the Journal of Environmental Quality, the study on these socks found that these compost-filled mesh tubes remove most of the clay, silt and other particles that are present in surface waters. In tests, the socks captured 17 percent of ammonium nitrogen, 75 percent of E. coli bacteria and up to 72 percent of heavy metals.

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Water before meals helps with weight loss, say researchers

Weight loss techniques are a dime a dozen these days, with experts touting all sorts of different diet and exercise regimens as the solution to obesity. But new research set to be presented at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS) offers a simple approach that involves no drugs and has no negative side effects. According to researchers, drinking two glasses of water before each meal will help you to lose more weight.

 “We are presenting results of the first randomized controlled intervention trial demonstrating that increased water consumption is an effective weight loss strategy,” explained Brenda Davy, Ph.D., senior author of the study, to reporters.” In this recent study, we found that over the course of 12 weeks, dieters who drank water before meals, three times per day, lost about five pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake.” Read more

Facts and figures about the Cholistan Desert (Pakistan)

  • Cholistan is the largest of four major deserts of Pakistan. It is bordered on the south by the Thar desert in Sindh province and on the east by the Rajasthan desert in India. The Cholistan Desert covers about 26,000 km2, which corresponds to 26% of the 110,000 km2 of the country’s total desert area and 3% of its overall surface area.
  • The average annual rainfall in the desert ranges from 100 to 200 mm. Consequently, freshwater availability is very limited. There are no perennial or ephemeral streams, and most of the groundwater is saline with a medium to high range of dissolved solids that make it generally unfit for drinking.
  • The only source of freshwater for about 110,000 inhabitants and their approximately 2 million head of subsistence livestock is the occasional rainfall. Fortunately, the average annual potential of 300 million m3 for rainwater harvesting is more than sufficient to satisfy the combined water demand of the people and livestock.
  • To make the best use of this potential the herders have found ponds known locally as tobas. These store runoff water for use during the dry periods. Harvested rainwater is also stored for household use in large circular or rectangular tanks called kunds. Read more