Archive for August 28, 2011

Natural gas drilling responsible for causing flammable drinking water

Natural gas drilling operations are springing up both in the U.S. and the U.K., but opponents say that the industry is destroying groundwater and very seriously polluting the environment. After some residents living near natural gas drilling operations began noticing that their tap water was literally flammable, opposition groups in the U.K. started petitioning the government to stop the extractions until proper safety assessments are conducted.


A recent report covered by NaturalNews highlights the destruction being caused in Pennsylvania by the natural gas industry as well. “Fracking” chemicals, or those used to extract natural gas from the shale, end up polluting nearby water sources, even despite efforts to prevent contamination. According to that report, at least 1.28 million barrels of industry waste go unaccounted for every year, which means they are now most likely somewhere in the natural environment. Read more

Stay hydrated with the power of water

With bottled water a multi-billion dollar industry, it would be easy to assume that Americans are thoroughly hydrated. The truth is dehydration is a common problem.

As much as 75 percent of the human body is water. Maintaining levels requires one to three liters of water daily. But even those who are sedentary need water because our bodies lose moisture continually – through urination, elimination of waste and toxins, sweating and even breathing. Many believe that chronic, low-grade dehydration is common place. Lack of sufficient fresh, clean water not only results in a long list of symptoms, but it also can be fatal. Read more

Water secrets

This essay takes us to the door to the secrets of life, secrets to water, and secrets of light, color, and perception. Water plays a leading role in living processes, as everyone knows, but what is secret is the fact that water mediates the interaction between radiant energy and physical existence by allowing itself to be structured by light energy along an incredibly broad front of the electromagnetic spectrum. Water is light sensitive as we are light sensitive and the frequencies of life that shine on us that we absorb or reject reveal much about how we think, feel and react to things and our environment.


Water is crucial to biological existence and we find that dehydration alters the conformation of proteins and removes water layers around proteins that are essential for maintaining the original protein structure. Decades of bombarding water with X-rays and neutron beams have convinced most scientists that there is no long-range order in water because unbeknownst to them they have been playing around with the death principle – the type of radiation that destroys the structure of water thus destroying the structure of life. Read more

Stanford researchers use river water and salty ocean water to generate electricity

Stanford researchers have developed a battery that takes advantage of the difference in salinity between freshwater and seawater to produce electricity.

Anywhere freshwater enters the sea, such as river mouths or estuaries, could be potential sites for a power plant using such a battery, said Yi Cui, associate professor of materials science and engineering, who led the research team.

The theoretical limiting factor, he said, is the amount of freshwater available. “We actually have an infinite amount of ocean water; unfortunately we don’t have an infinite amount of freshwater,” he said.

As an indicator of the battery’s potential for producing power, Cui’s team calculated that if all the world’s rivers were put to use, their batteries could supply about 2 terawatts of electricity annually – that’s roughly 13 percent of the world’s current energy consumption.

The battery itself is simple, consisting of two electrodes – one positive, one negative – immersed in a liquid containing electrically charged particles, or ions. In water, the ions are sodium and chlorine, the components of ordinary table salt.

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Most bottled waters are glorified tap water – Learn how to hydrate the healthy way

Millions around the world purchase bottled water as a primary form of hydration. Many of these consumers are under the false impression that the bottled water they are consuming is safer than the toxin-laden tap water that is coming out of their household faucets.


Unfortunately, bottled water is often just as bad, or even worse, than tap water in the United States and elsewhere. Research shows that this common misconception is the result of highly-effective mass advertising campaigns and marketing. Learn how to distinguish between safe and unsafe drinking water. Read more