Archive for March 23, 2010

World Water Day: Why business needs to worry

Monday is World Water Day, but I suspect relatively few will have noticed.

“Global water
requirements … will be 40%
greater than what can currently
be sustainably supplied”

While the world is rightly moving to address the challenges presented by climate change and depleting supplies of fossil fuels, the same awareness and consensus does not exist when it comes to addressing our usage of water. Yet the harsh fact is that we will probably run out of water long before we run out of fuel.  Read more

Facts and figures about pollution and degradation of water quality

Despite improvements in some regions, water pollution is on the rise globally. More than 80% of sewage in developing countries is discharged untreated, polluting rivers, lakes and coastal areas.

Many industries – some of them known to be heavily polluting (such as leather and chemicals) – are moving from high-income countries to emerging market economies. Read more