Archive for July 11, 2009

Facts about water and agriculture

Developed countries account for a quarter of the world’s irrigated area (67 million hectares). Annual growth of irrigated area peaked 3% in the 1970s and dropped down to only 0.2% in the 1990s


In Asia, almost 84% of the water withdrawal is used for agricultural purposes, compared to 71% for the world

The Indian subcontinent and Eastern Asia have the highest level of water withdrawal for agriculture with 92% and 77% respectively
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Unece water convention guide now available in six languages

The guide explains how the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes helps countries to curb water pollution, restore and conserve water-related ecosystems, prevent conflicts over scarce resources, and ensure that international rivers are well managed so that future generations, too, will be able to extract clean water from them.


The Convention was recently amended to enable UN Member States not members of the UNECE to sign up to it and benefit from the experience acquired in UNECE. To raise awareness about the Convention around the globe, this guide has been translated into all the official languages of the United Nations with the help of the Environment Ministries of Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
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