Archive for May 19, 2009

Islam about the waters and an attitude to the water

Before direct reviewing of sources – holy books of Muslims (the Quran and Hadiths), let us present some opinions of famous scientists about Islam as the religion and doctrine.


One of outstanding orientalists in the 20th century, E. von Grunebaum said: “Even an atheist considers that if this is not a miracle then, at least, the extraordinary fact that on the basis of such a small foundation as the population and civilization of pagan Central and Northern Arabia, such a majestic and splendidly-built structure could arise. This structure has gained the vitality and force for transforming from a religion clan having the merely national nature into the cultural community that was both religious and international one, and at the same time, has kept the entitlement for existence and the status of State.”*
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Life on the earth originated and exists thanks to the water

As known, the first concepts of people, our distant ancestors, concerning the water and its properties were formed on the base of religion considerations and instructions. However, according to authors presenting the materialistic ideology, vise versa, the first concepts of people regarding the environment have facilitated originating various kinds of religions…


Beginnings of the world religions – Buddhism, Zoroastrianism (fireworship), Judaism, Christianity, and Islam – had the tremendous importance for human society, since religions were not limited by some statements and rules of certain religious dogmas mandatory for their believers, but established a holistic doctrine based on its own philosophy, legislation, and ethics. All this promoted forming a peculiar type of the intellection and behavior of their believers.
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