Archive for Facts and figures

Did you know…? Facts and figures about water and cities (part 1) in honor of the upcoming World Water Day

  • Half of humanity now lives in cities and, within two decades, nearly 60% of the world’s population -5 billion people- will be urban dwellers.
  • Urban growth is most rapid in the developing world, where cities gain an average of 5 million residents every month. Read more

Did you know…? Facts and figures about lakes

  • Less than two percent of the freshwater on our planet exists in a readily usable form for human uses. And of this total, it is estimated that lakes contain more than 90% of all the liquid freshwater on the earth’s surface. Thus, this water source is important for meeting the needs of both humans and ecosystems, including the life-supporting services provided to humanity by the latter.
  • Lakes and reservoirs provide a range of resource values, including drinking water, irrigation water, navigation, fisheries, tourism, recreation, flood and drought management, climate mediation, as well as having religious and historic values. Read more

Did you know…? Facts and figures about water and financing


  • In the United States bringing water supply and sewerage infrastructure up to current standards will cost more than $1 trillion over the next 20 years, with hundreds of billions more required for dams, dikes and waterway maintenance.
  • The World Business Council for Sustainable Development estimates that the total costs of replacing ageing water supply and sanitation infrastructure in industrial countries may be as high as $200 billion a year.
    In most urban public water systems charges often barely cover the recurrent costs of operation and maintenance, leaving little or no funds to recover the capital costs of modernization and expansion. A survey of such systems in 132 cities in high-, middle and low-income countries found that 39% did not recover even their operation and maintenance costs (true of 100% of cities in South-East Asia and the Maghreb). Read more

Did you know…? Facts and figures about water and financing

  • In the United States bringing water supply and sewerage infrastructure up to current standards will cost more than $1 trillion over the next 20 years, with hundreds of billions more required for dams, dikes and waterway maintenance.
  • The World Business Council for Sustainable Development estimates that the total costs of replacing ageing water supply and sanitation infrastructure in industrial countries may be as high as $200 billion a year. Read more

Did you know…? Facts and figures about climate change and water

  • There is evidence that the global climate is changing.
  • Water is the primary medium through which climate change impacts the earth’s ecosystem and people.
  • Climate change is the fundamental driver of change in the world’s water resources and adds additional stress through its effects on other externalities. Read more