Towards the 6th World Water Forum — Cooperative Actions for Water Security
International Conference
Plenary session
J.- F. Donzier - Water Priorities in Light of European Campaign on the Way to the Sixth World Water Forum (pdf, 603 kB)
B. Moldobekov - Climate Change in Central Asia and Conservation of Flow Formation Zone (pdf, 3465 kB)
L. Guye - Switzerland’ Support to Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Middle East and Central Asia (pdf, 770 kB)
P. Kovalenko - Irrigated Agriculture under Conditions of Growing Water Crisis and Socio-Economic Reforms (pdf, 148 kB)
Round table Guaranteeing Water for Future Generations
Round table Ensuring Sustainable Drinking Water Supply
Round table International Cooperation on Transboundary Water Management on the Basis of International Water Conventions
J. Martin-Bordes - The role of UNESCO-IHP in Supporting Member States on Transboundary Water Cooperation (pdf, 1916 kB)
J. de Schutter - Capacity Development for the Water Sector of Central Asia (pdf, 151 kB)
K. Papp - Hungarian Participation in Transboundary Water Management (pdf, 368 kB)
Round table Adoption of Innovations in Agriculture in Order to Achieve Food Security
J. Mohan Reddy - Approaches for Improving Water Productivity Towards Global Food Security (pdf, 1667 kB)
Sh. Mukhamedjanov - Opportunities for water and land productivity improvement in Central Asia (pdf, 387 kB)
M. Gopalakrishnan - Innovative Irrigation Technologies to Enhance Global Food Production (pdf, 5035 kB)
K. Schneider - Water use efficiency as subject to irrigation management on the field scale: a case study from Fergana Valley (pdf, 409 kB)
G. Munoz - FAO’s Experience in Implementation of Advanced Irrigated Farming Technologies in Central Asia (pdf, 155 kB)
Round table Integrated Water Resources Management — as a Tool for Balancing Multiple Uses of Water
O. Magnin - Swiss Approach to IWRM Implementation in Central Asia (pdf, 236 kB)
V. Frobarth - A Source of Peace: Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia (pdf, 1680 kB)
M. Yakubov - IWRM at the Higher Levels: Transboundary Small River Basins (pdf, 1762 kB)
D. Thalmenierova - GWP ToolBox: Knowledge Sharing Tool (pdf, 1445 kB)
Round table Climate Change and Conserving Environmental Capacity
K. Unger-Shayesteh - Climate Change in Central Asia: Preliminary Results from the CAWa Project (pdf, 1078 kB)
B. Fokkens - Eco-System Based River Restoration and a Good Ecological Status of Water Bodies (pdf, 638 kB)
A. Makela - Water Quality Monitoring - Developing the Use of Indicators-based Assessments in the Kyrgyz Republic (pdf, 32 kB)
H. van Schaik - Water Related Adaptation to Climate Change - from Noah till COP 17 and WWF-6 (pdf, 337 kB)