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Strenghtening the educational response to climate change internationally Rationale Science has now shown that:
The dominant development model in the world, based on continued industrialisation and economic growth, is characterised by massive use of fossil fuel, intensive agriculture and deforestation - which coupled with demographic growth lead to large increases in GHG emissions. It is therefore completely impossible to stop or drastically reduce our emissions from one day to the next. So the key question for society is: how to change this unsustainable civilization into a sustainable one without jeopardizing it, and at what pace? How can we progressively stop using fossil fuels, stop deforestation, stabilize population growth, and at the same time, ensure that basic living conditions are satisfied for all? The changes required are not just minor adjustments to mainstream pathways nor reverting to a "stone-age society", but rather a change of paradigm and culture toward global citizenship. A complete re-thinking of our production and consumption patterns, and lifestyles. A new society which addresses the issues of global justice and global commons (such as our shared atmosphere and water) which go well beyond the traditional boundaries of national interest and current environmental policies. The challenge is clear:
The emission trends will most likely not go down before international agreements lead to ambitious policies combining incentives (taxes) and constraints (laws) on a global scale. But while governments are struggling with negotiations and policy, individuals can act immediately, and schools and community groups are undoubtedly one of the most critical link to families and young people. It is the empowerment of the individuals that will drive the necessary behavioural change and enable higher level institutions to move forward with policies, strategies and incentives for industry and society to transform. Climate change education - from transmissive to transformative The world's population is young, with some 2.2 billion people under the age of 18. All over the world, these children and young people, representing nearly one-third of the global population, are concerned with the increasing threat posed by rising global carbon emissions and the changing climate. Many are already experiencing the impacts of the changing global environment in their communities. Despite all of this, to date children and young people have been relatively absent in climate change policies and plans which are being developed by many countries and regions in response to existing and emerging international agreements and protocols which support these initiatives. Based on the premise that what children learn today will shape the world tomorrow, instilling environmental awareness at a young age is the best way, ultimately, to protect the environment. Adaptation and mitigation programmes that improve the availability and quality of environmental education are key interventions for long-term change. However, increasing environmental awareness is not enough. For children and youth to become effective agents of change, avenues must exist for their knowledge to be translated into advocacy and action. In that respect climate change education needs to be transformative - in the sense developed in the UNESCO's Policy Dialogue paper "ESD and CC" - and for this needs to integrate three pillars:
The last two pillars are particularly challenging for schools who are traditionally (with variations depending on countries) less prepared to work on values, behaviours and competences than on transmitting knowledge and facts. However, such values and behaviours are often developed and encouraged in community and youth group settings. The workshop should identify strategies for strengthening the capacity of school systems in these domains and the possible links with non formal education mechanisms. Ultimately, the key question for climate change education is the same one as for ESD at large: in a society still broadly dominated by a non-sustainable culture, how can schools contribute to promoting safe, healthy and sustainable lifestyles? The workshop shall bring new creative and daring ideas for changing the scale of action for ESD in daily classroom practice, from marginal to mainstream, from sectorised to integrated, towards a deep transformation of education systems to train future citizen equipped with the understanding, values and skills to achieve sustainability. In that respect the outcomes of workshop will constitute a direct input to the Kyoto-2 negotiation roadmap, in full line with the statement expressed by the Education Caucus of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) at the recent COP14 meeting in Poznan: "INVESTING IN A WELL-PREPARED SOCIETY: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION, IS THE CRUCIAL BUILDING BLOCK IN KYOTO 2 It is clear in the Bali roadmap that much attention has been given to the four building blocks — adaptation, mitigation, finance, technology — as the basis of the policy framework for the second set of Kyoto commitments. However, given the complexities of the current global challenges, mitigating climate change can exacerbate or worsen biodiversity loss, water shortages, food security, and poverty reduction. As we look to Copenhagen, the fifth building block is missing. It is time to ask, "What are Stakeholders, Governments and Civil Society Organisations doing about Environmental Education and Sustainability?" |