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Historical Background

In March 2006, the Board of Governors elected Turkey as the first candidate of choice to start the negotiations for hosting the 5th World Water Forum.

This Forum will take place in March 2009, around the UN-World Water Day (March 22nd) in Istanbul. It will thus be an important event of the 2005-2015 UN International Decade for Action, "Water for Life."

The Forum in Istanbul will be the 5th World Water Forum. It will follow the WWC Forums of Marrakech, The Hague, Kyoto and Mexico City. Since its first edition, the World Water Forum has developed a distinct format, ultimately set by the World Water Council who owns the brand name of the World Water Forum, but developed in close collaboration with the successive host countries, Morocco, the Netherlands, Japan and Mexico. Sound and constructive cooperation between the host country and the World Water Council is thus key to the preparation and to the success of the World Water Forum.

Purpose of this Framework Agreement

This Framework Agreement establishes the overall objectives and principles underlying the planning, financing and execution of the 5th World Water Forum as a joint effort between the World Water Council and Turkey, starting from the "Guidelines for candidate host countries for the 5th World Water Forum".

This Framework Agreement specifies the way in which Turkey and the World Water Council will cooperate in the 5th World Water Forum preparation, organisation and follow-up. Specific agreements may be developed if both parties deem it necessary.


This Agreement is entered into by two Parties:

Republic of Turkey - Represented by the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) on behalf of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality


World Water Council (WWC).


Definition of the World Water Forum

The World Water Council represents a multi-stakeholder platform devoted to the advancement and resolution of key water issues requiring the involvement of governmental, scientific, technical and advocacy representatives.

The World Water Forum should advance the aims of the World Water Council and the world water community in addressing a limited number of challenging water issues. The Forum should accomplish this by facilitating and promoting a multi-faceted discussion and debate between these stakeholders at the Forum resulting in a broader awareness of the issues of water management and a resolve to take actions to solve those issues.

To support the objectives of the WWC, the Forum and world water community, the Forum is made up of two primary components:

  1. The thematic Forum and supporting fair and expo;
  2. A conference of national-level ministers, local officials and of Parliamentarians.

The World Water Forum further provides suitable opportunities for all stakeholders to meet, learn, debate and present issues, policies and state-of-the-art solutions for efficient and sustainable water resources and services management and to communicate this to a worldwide audience.

Core values of the 5th World Water Forum

The 5th World Water Forum is much more than a conference:

  • Its essential objectives are to raise awareness with decision-makers and the public-at-large on water issues and, subsequently, to generate action.
  • For the water community, the 5th World Water Forum provides opportunities to progressively develop shared visions on challenging water issues, to develop new partnerships and to pave the way for cooperation and action.
  • The credibility of the 5th World Water Forum vitally depends on the involvement of a wide diversity of stakeholders and the freedom of expression and opinion of all—both in the preparatory process and at the event.

Operating Principles of the 5th World Water Forum

  • The 5th World Water Forum is an event co-organised by the World Water Council and Turkey.
  • All key activities will be developed and managed through the allocation and sharing of responsibilities.
  • Parties to this agreement confirm that the coordination of Forum-related activities on the Turkish side is to be performed by the General Directorate of the State Hydraulic Works.
  • The risks and investments are shared in line with the responsibilities among the Parties to this Framework Agreement.
  • Each party will supply its best effort to come to a mutual agreement on all issues in a friendly and collaborative spirit.
  • The 5th World Water Forum will enhance the profile and reputation of the World Water Council as a multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to furthering the resolution of key global water issues.
  • The 5th World Water Forum will also enhance the profile, position and reputation of Turkey as a leader in developing water resources and water management issues.
  • An overarching theme required as a general objective for the 5th World Water Forum preparations will be proposed around the concept of "Bridging."


The working bodies include:

The International Steering Committee (ISC)

The International Steering Committee is the ultimate decision-making body of the Forum. It is composed of 10 members: 5 from the World Water Council side and 5 from the Turkish side. The composition is as follows:

On the Turkish side

  • The Director General of DSI
  • A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Mayor of Istanbul
  • The Secretary General of the 5th World Water Forum
  • The Co-chairman of the Programme Committee

On the World Water Council side:

  • The President
  • The Executive Director
  • Three members of the World Water Council

The ISC supervises all activities of the working bodies. It is co-chaired by the President of the World Water Council and by the Director General of DSI. Other advisors may be invited to ISC meetings as observers but will have no status within the ISC.


Three Committees will be established:

  • A Programme Committee
  • A Political Process Committee
  • A Communications Committee

Each Committee is co-chaired by a Turkish representative and a World Water Council representative, both of whom belong to the International Steering Committee, according to the composition outlined above. The Committees report to the ISC, which makes all final strategic decisions.

Each Committee will have a contact person in both the Secretariat of the 5th World Water Forum and the World Water Council Headquarters.

The Committees will be established following the signature of this Framework Agreement, and actions pertaining to each will be carried out in a timeframe depending on necessity and priority.

The Terms of Reference, timelines and budgets for each Committee, taking into account the three phases of the process (prior to the Forum, during the Forum and after the Forum) will be developed within two months after signing this Agreement.

The specific tasks of each Committee may be continually updated throughout the preparatory process, if necessary. The Committees will establish a close coordination with each other and with the ISC throughout the preparatory process and the execution of the 5th World Water Forum.

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee is responsible for preparing the programme, including the fair/expo. It proposes the important topics of these events in line with the overarching theme of the Forum and in close cooperation with the other components.

Political Process Committee

The Political Process Committee is responsible for preparing the content and process for the 5th World Water Forum's political programme, in such a way that it offers a creative way for Ministers, Parliamentarians and Local Authorities to interact dynamically, including with other stakeholders, in order to further the resolution and policy advancement of targeted global water issues. A representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will co-chair this committee for the Turkish side.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee will define and supervise the implementation of a comprehensive national, regional and international communication plan. Its activities will also encompass the marketing of the Forum.

Other Responsibilities

Logistics, Finance, Cultural and Social Activities and Prizes will be coordinated by the Secretary General of the 5th World Water Forum and the Executive Director of the World Water Council.

Line management responsibilities of staff working on issues related to Committees will remain with the Secretary General of the 5th World Water Forum and the Executive Director of the World Water Council. An overall work plan with critical paths, budget, and resource strategy related to these activities and those of the Committees will be developed jointly by the Secretary General and the Executive Director.

The Secretariat of the 5th World Water Forum

A Secretariat will be established by Turkey for the purpose of execution of the 5th World Water Forum. The Secretariat will be hosted by DSI and will be established within three months after signing this Framework Agreement. It will be comprised of a Secretary General and staff.

Appointed by the Director General of the State Hydraulic Works, the Secretary General will be responsible for the coordination of all the activities on the Turkish side in support of the 5th World Water Forum, in. accordance with this Framework Agreement. Staff capabilities within the Secretariat shall include:

  • Administrative
  • Financial/Logistics
  • Project Management
  • Communications
  • Social and Cultural.

A good level of English is necessary for all members of the Secretariat.

In addition, the Secretary General of the 5 World Water Forum will be a dedicated full-time position with sufficient seniority to readily access the appropriate decision-making levels within partner institutions. There should be a limited but effective number of people in the 5th World Water Forum Secretariat benefiting from the assistance of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for international outreach and related tasks.

The World Water Council Headquarters

Most of the World Water Council's activities are already committed to producing relevant content for discussion during each World Water Forum. A core group working at the World Water Council Headquarters in Marseilles will support the joint organisation of the Forum, with particular emphasis on:

  • The Preparatory Process leading to the development of specific Programmes that provide content for debate and exchange;
  • The Political Process of the Forum;
  • International communications and marketing, and;
  • Registration activities.


Forum Finances — Basics

The Forum is to be viewed as its own venture, jointly conducted by the Parties to this Agreement, with its own budget. Two basic principles are to prevail:

  • The costs to both parties are to be recognized and provided for in the overall budget for the Forum;
  • The budget is to be transparent and balanced.

Forum Finances — Expenses

In terms of expenses, both parties agree that the direct costs borne by both the Secretariat in Turkey and the World Water Council Headquarters in the preparation of the Forum are to be recognized in the Budget. These costs include:

  • Staff costs
  • Preparation costs, including the Preparatory Process 1
  • Venue-related costs
  • Communication costs
  • WWC Network utilisation 2

Forum Finances — Income

In terms of income, the budget will consider the following components:

  • Registration fees
  • Fair and Expo registration
  • Local and international sponsorship
  • In-kind and cash contribution from Turkey's institutions and the WWC
  • International donors' contributions
  • Other profit-making strategies

Resources from third parties may also be made available through secondments by institutions interested in participating in the preparation of the Forum or by Organisations contributing their time and resources to the production of a deliverable.

Forum Finances — Budget Development

To achieve a balanced budget, and given uncertainty about the potential incomes that might be provided from sources such as international donors and advanced levels of local and international sponsorship, this Framework Agreement recognizes that the development of two budgets are required:

  • Budget 1: A baseline budget, which has very conservative income expectations and corresponding conservative spending expectations, but which meets the minimum delivery requirements of the Forum;
  • Budget 2: An optimistic budget, which anticipates advanced levels of both income, particularly from sponsorship and donors, and expenditures, and which delivers a higher level of outputs from the Forum and possibly a profit.

Building on past experience and on the protocols for the three committees, these two budgets are to be jointly developed by Turkey and the World Water Council within two months after the signature of this Framework Agreement.

In terms of implementation, the Parties agree on the following points:

  • To view the Forum as an enterprise for which a process must be developed to achieve its organisation;
  • This process includes the development of two budgets - (1) baseline and (2) optimistic - each being balanced between direct costs and income;
  • Cash flow schedules are required for the implementation of the budget as an integral part of the budget preparations;
  • Turkey will ensure that a proper cash flow be available to initiate and continue the process, due to the fact that the process will start with a negative cash flow;
  • The signatories will prepare a joint fund-raising plan, especially targeting international donors, as early as possible;
  • The Secretary General and the Executive Director will work closely together to develop the details and to harmonize costs.


  • This Framework Agreement is effective upon signature of the Parties.
  • The Turkish Government is issuing an authorization for Professor Dr. Veysel EROGLU, Director General of DSI, to sign this Framework Agreement on behalf of the Turkish Government, including the Parties to this Agreement.
  • No later than two months after the signature of this Framework Agreement, two detailed budgets and workplans for the three Committees and for the other financial and managerial aspects of the Forum will be jointly prepared and added as Protocols to this Framework Agreement according to the principles agreed upon in Chapter V above. These Protocols will also include a detailed allocation of tasks and responsibilities.
  • This Framework Agreement may be cancelled by either party within two months after its signature if no agreement is reached on its political, financial and organizational implications and subsequent Memorandum of Understanding and Protocols.
  • The mutual understanding on the organisation of the Forum will be based on this Framework Agreement but will evolve dynamically according to all registered decisions proposed by the three Committees and ratified by the International Steering Committee.
  • Specific contracts will be used with third parties.
  • In the event of disagreement during the execution of this Framework Agreement, the parties agree that the Director General of DSI and the President of the World Water Council will resolve the dispute, using whatever means they feel are most appropriate.

For the World Water Council:

Loic Fauchon,
President of the World Water Council

For the Turkish Government:

Professor Dr. Veysel Eroglu,
Director General of DSI

1 In considering expenses of the Forum, it must also be recognized that the Preparatory Process, jointly executed by the WWC, the Host Country and Secretariat of the Forum, is an integral part and expense of the Forum and requires financial mechanisms to support it. Multi-stakeholder input is the basic building block for this process, with great diversity being desirable. Outputs from various international conferences and events in the three-year period leading up to the Forum will be used as inputs for the Forum's multi-stakeholder preparatory process. Subsequently, a few key subject areas on which to concentrate will be selected in order to raise the quality of the Forum through their policy recommendations and to provide funding from donors, with the host country taking the lead and inciting participation from others.

2 The WWC network support fee contributes to the ongoing costs of developing the WWC network and name and associated investments. Each Forum draws on this network for voluntary support to the Forum's program development, communications networks, on the day organization of activities and post-Forum synthesis review and endorsement.