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General instruction for financial support
The World Water Fora are known for not promoting a single vision but providing a platform for all actors and interest groups to express themselves. The quality of the Forum depends on the inclusiveness and involvement of a large variety of stakeholders. In line with the overarching theme of the 5th World Water Forum, “Bridging Divides for Water”, cooperation is essential and necessary to make the Forum a success for all stakeholders involved. Our main goal is to construct a true and successful Forum, where ideas, policies, knowledge, experience can be exchanged and also where the outcomes of the Forum could be implemented in the future both at political and technical levels. To enable the participation of less financially capable stakeholders, the Forum’s registration fees have been adjusted for low-income countries. In addition to that, the 5th World Water Forum Secretariat has set up a particular financial aid programme to facilitate the participation of least developed and developing countries and participants from lesser-favoured groups. The grants will cover registration fees, full board accommodation and travel expenses (only in Istanbul, such as; from hotels to Forum venue) of selected participants. Please note that all supported participants would charge their international transportation by themselves, their institutions or other sponsors. Selection preference will be given to applicants who have been actively involved during the preparatory process, who show great motivation and provide concrete justification for participation as well as who commit to work beyond the Forum via providing evaluation reports, conveying the Forum’s messages in their regions and institutions afterwards. Please note that gender balance of the applicants will be considered while distributing funds. The Forum Secretariat requires that every applicant for funding submit the application form. Answers should be focused and specific. There are maximum length requirements to certain questions and brevity is always appreciated. So please take this into consideration while filling out the form. Supporting materials (e.g. studies, plans, reports, CVs etc.) are not accepted and will not be considered throughout the evaluation process. However, Secretariat may request clarification and/or supplements if it is found necessary. Applicants are responsible to submit duly completed Financial Support Application Forms no later than 1 January 2009. Applications which do not comply with the above mentioned conditions will not be considered. Selected participants for financial support will be informed before 15th January. For further information and queries, please contact us at financialsupport@worldwaterforum5.org |