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4th World Water Forum




Local actions for a global challenge
March 16-22, 2006, Mexico

The 4th World Water Forum will take place on March 16-22, 2006, in Mexico, following the decision that was made by the Board of Governors of the Council in September 2003.

Over the years, the Forum has led the movement from the World Water Vision, a product of the 2nd Forum, to the establishment of concrete actions and commitments derived from the 3rd Forum. Now, the challenge is to establish mechanisms of cooperation and coordination to transform a global vision into local concrete actions that integrate local knowledge.

The 4th World Water Forum is a step along the way to the achievement of the water-related Millennium Development Goals, whose deadline was set as 2015. It is widely recognized that achievement of the MDGs will depend on local action.

In this spirit, the main theme of the Forum will be "Local actions for a global challenge". A series of regional meetings will be held throughout the preparatory phase in order to identify good practices and learn lessons from shared experiences, as well as to support and encourage local commitments.

The Forum will take advantage of the experience acquired from the previous World Water Forums and will aim to secure continuation of the most important initiatives started.

The objective of the 4th Forum is to come up with concrete measures and indicators that will create the enabling environment to boost progress on the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.

4th World Water Forum

  Framework Theme 1: Water for Growth and Development

  Framework Theme 2: Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management

  Framework Theme 3: Water Supply and Sanitation For All

  Framework Theme 4: Water Management for Food and the Environment

  Framework Theme 5: Risk Management

The regional session at the 4th WWF

Agenda of the session “IWRM as a Basis for Social and Economic Development in Central Asia”

Resolution of the session “IWRM as a Basis for Social and Economic Development in Central Asia”


The regional program of ICWC towards the 4th WWF: “Kioto’s Spirit — on the Way to Mexico”



Central Asia: position for the 4-th World Water Forum “Challenges and actions for integrated approaches”

The regional actions dedicated to the WWF-4


Central Asian International Scientific-Practical Conference “ICWC towards the 4th World Water Forum: Local Actions for Global Challenge”
(27-29 April 2005, Almaty, Kazakhstan)

  Report about events

International Conference on Regional Cooperation in Transboundary River Basins
(30 May - 1 June 2005, Dushanbe, Tajikistan)

  Keynote Address by H. E. Mr. Emomali Rakhmonov, President of the Republic of Tajikistan

  Recommendations of the International Conference

  Appeal to the World Governments in light of the International Decade for Actions "Water for Life"


CA Water-Info

On-Line Discussion “Integrated water management in region-a basis for conflict prevention in region”
(19 April - 30 June 2005)

Organized by:

    Information Network on Environmental and Sustainable Development Practice and Policy in Central Asia and the neighboring regions of Russia (CARNet)
    Information Portal for Water and Environmental Issues in Central Asia CAWater-Info

  Discussion at the CARESD.Net

  Report about discussion [pdf, 65 kB]



Sub-regional workshop “Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management for Well-Being and Future Development in Central Asia”
(31 October - 2 November 2005, Almaty, Kazakhstan)



  Reports and presentations




  Criteria for selecting participants in the 4th World Water Forum



Asia-Pacific Preparatory Process

  Sub-Regional Position Paper: Central Asia